View Full Version : Different Meds

27-04-13, 22:26

I was just wondering what medications have people found to be effective?

i am due to see my psychiatrist next week regarding a medication change & would love to hear of any meds i could suggest to him.

Amy x

27-04-13, 23:32
Hi Amy.

It doesn't really work like that unfortunately.

There are a huge variety of medications for lots of different mental health conditions.

For a start, you haven't told us what your mental health issue is.

The job of your psychiatrist is to tell YOU what medications are good and work. We only know as individuals, what works for us and what doesn't. What works for someone with anxiety might not work for someone else with anxiety etc.

Your psychiatrist will be able to get a full picture of you and pinpoint the best medication for you.

It would be an insult to his intelligence if you went into the appointment telling him that 'so and so' off the internet says 'drug x' works great.

Sorry to be completely unhelpful but just leave it up to your p'doc to decide what medication is best. That's their job.

I wish you all the best.
