View Full Version : Blood Clots

24-09-06, 02:16
I am so sure I have blood clots in my legs. Back in June I had to have knee surgery (no biggie) but I didn't realize that having surgery on your knees could cause clots.
My Dr put me on a blood thinner just for 7 days after surgery and after that the risks are gone. Of course you can't tell me that [Sigh...]

I started having pain in my knee and legs and thought OMG clots.
My hubby tells me its just from the surgery and from going to PT. But I am not so sure.

I hate having all these health fears all the time. Sometimes it seems to comsume my life [Sigh...]


24-09-06, 11:43
Hi there

Try not to worry. If you were going to have a clot it would have happened within days of having surgery - not 3 months later. And added to that you also had the blood thinner which makes the risks even less. It is just your health anxiety causing these fears. I agree with your hubby and the pain is likely to be from excercise and the operation.

I know what its like having these health issues all the time - I think we all do - but rest assured if it was anything serious you would have known by now. If it makes you feel any better go and see your doc.

Take care

24-09-06, 16:54
Hi Terri

I smiled when I read your subject heading because it sounds just like me!! I am always thinking that of myself. Any pain in my arm or leg and I think its a blood clot. I had operation on my arm last year, then had pain in upper arm later and decided my time was up! But as you can see I'm still here. [8D]

The blood thinning tablets are probably a precaution, particularly while your leg was less mobile just after the operation. Though you can't see it on the surface, your body is working hard to repair itself. Hope this helps a bit.


25-09-06, 09:01
Okay I have been googling bloodclots here at work for the last hour. I am on birth control, smoke and sit at a desk all day long. I have some warmth in the bottom of my left foot and my calf is both sort of tingly and slightly paining me. I have health anxiety and I am now afraid to go to the doctor because I have cried wolf, rather, cried tumor, lupus, cancer, TB, Meningitis,.. many times before. The panic is rising right now and I am once again torn between a trip to the doctor or work tomorrow????

25-09-06, 10:18
thank for yr replys i feel a bit better knowng all this from yopu lot who no were i am coming from just sat here wondering now what new illness will jump out at me today bound to get one as it become a normal routine its when you have had nothing for days you sven then start to doubt there is somthing not right as your not anxiouse what are we all like thanks again trish

25-09-06, 12:56
hi girls

just reading your posts and i think i can help

i have had a blood clot in my leg

u will know somethings wrong its agony and never never never never lets up,it gets worse and worse and honestly its really agony, u cant wa;k properly, your leg swells up, mine did they say it can feel hot although mine never and the leg goes hard, the muscle on the back of the leg goes hard i mean.
my dr told me that is the key to look for,
sit on your bum lift your legs up slightly and tap your calfs, usually they are soft, unless u r full of muscles lol

my clot started to hurt exactly 4 weeks after abdominal surgery, and i had the pain for a month, the drs said it was just the op and post natel depression, evenbtually when my leg was massive they took me serious and low and behold i had a dvt, if u r in doubt get it checked but i always get pains in my legs and its a different kinda pain, also its really not likely to have them in both legs, actually when i get pain in both legs it kinda reassures me

take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal