View Full Version : Is anyone online now

24-09-06, 04:01
hi I only joined here a matter of about half hour so excuse me for being so cheeky as to ask for help already, I am female and in my 40s and suffer with panic attacks, I have emphysema and about 20+years ago I had the lining removed from my right lung and the lung stuck to the wall cavity as I had experienced a number of spontanious double pnumo thorax's (sorry if speliing is wrong) you'd have thought this stressful time would be when my troubles began really but strangely enough they didnt I seemed to cope quite well although having had a very traumatic childhood I learnt to cope from a very early age, then a few years ago I went to london to film and watch the funeral of the Queen Mother, after it had finished I asked a w.p.c where the nearest place was open to get some food, she looked at me and said how I didnt look at all well I explained I always looked pale with dark eyes but she didnt listen and called 2 st john ambulance people over who convinced my friend to bring me to their coach so I went over then they asked if I was in any pain to which I explained I had been carrying a large camera bag most of the night and morning and therefor had an aching back and arm/shoulder the next thing I knew he asked me to lift my tongue and he sprayed something 4 times in my mouth I then remember feeling awful and being taken to hospital where I discovered I had been given 4 doses of gtn despite my saying I had no chest pain and had no history of heart problems anyway I wont go into further detail as I then get flashbacks but ever since then I have had panic attacks ranging from mega where I have had one after another for hours on end to medium like at the moment which I think is because I have got a stinking head flu which means I cant breathe through my nose and due to my tempreture and lack of nasal breathing am feeling breathless and panicky and occasionally I get milder one off attacks where I get a bit dizzy etc usually when Im wound up eg. when Ive been trying to get somewhere and Im late etc
so if theres someone around to just chat to for a little while till I calm down a bit I'd be grateful.

24-09-06, 04:05
check your inbox :)

24-09-06, 04:09
hi sandy just checked but it hasnt arrived yet but then hotmail isnt exactly fast with mail getting through

24-09-06, 04:13
Sorry thought I had sent you a PM as well guess I sent it somewhere else!! I am here if I am any use!!

Hugs to you


24-09-06, 04:14
dont know why that post came out twice I only did it once ?? is there a way of staying on this thread and not having to put my username and password in everytime I reply?

24-09-06, 04:17
there are already some in chat if you'd like to join us :)

24-09-06, 04:17

You should be able to stay logged on, just don't log out


24-09-06, 04:20
it now says Im offline ?? is now confused????

24-09-06, 04:23
try logging in again
you can subscribe to a topic and it will notify you in your email when there is a reply.
make sure that you're not blocking cookies.
let me know what's going on k?

24-09-06, 04:26
when I try to reply it takes me to a screen with smilies etc and I have to fill in the username and password box or it wont let me reply then after Ive replied it takes me back to the main list of forums???

24-09-06, 04:28
do you have a firewall or something that might be interfering with it?
just throwing out ideas cuz I have no clue why it would be doin that.

24-09-06, 04:31
try to get into chat and see what happens k??

24-09-06, 04:33
go to home page click on live chat we are all there waiting for you


24-09-06, 04:34
do you have a firewall or something that might be interfering with it?
just throwing out ideas cuz I have no clue why it would be doin that.

I do have a firewall but its not stopping me from posting so I guess I'll have to post via the scenic route for now still its taking my mind of my panic attack so I guess thats something lol

24-09-06, 04:35
look at the top of page if it is blocking an alert should come up click on it

24-09-06, 04:35
You gonna make it into chat?

24-09-06, 18:24
Hi Spock1 and welcome.You will get alot of advise here,and make many friends.Sorry to here your having a rough time of it at the mo.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

Granny Primark
25-09-06, 13:41
Hi spock,
Welcome to the site.
Im a similar age to you and also suffer from panic.
Feel free to contact me anytime. Ive sent you a private message with me email address on.

Take care

polly daydream
25-09-06, 14:38
Hi Spock and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


25-09-06, 14:51
Hi Spock and welcome

best wishes

kaz x

25-09-06, 15:51
i know its awful to feel alone, but feel free to pm me anytime your feeling down.
take care