View Full Version : heavy tiredness from.medication advice

28-04-13, 11:41
Hi guys..only me..just wondering if anyone knows of these as side effects or just being me..
Since iv been on my new increase of trazadone from 50mg to 100mg..and 5 mg night time dose of orlanzapine ..im sleeping really well .all through the night in fact..but the next day im spending it feeling really tired all day long..is this a side effect that will fade or just a long tearm thing..

28-04-13, 18:11
Great to hear you are finally getting a good nights sleep. I am sure that once the medication is settled in your system you will feel less tired through the day. :hugs:

28-04-13, 18:30
We get one thing settled and then we have something else to put up with.

Might be what Annie says you need to get use to dose, it's early days just over a week?
Say give it another if no different have a word with the doctor at the centre see what he/she says.
It's not nice feeling tired all day,you just feel like you've no energy or motivation.

29-04-13, 17:44
I agree with Annie, I'm taking 50mg sertraline at night, sleeping very well (thank god) but some days I am wiped out. I'm sure it will settle and level out Greg. Good to see you are hanging in there!

29-04-13, 17:48
Hi Greg glad to hear you're finally getting some sleep after months of insomnia. With regards to the tiredness I feel like that all the time, I'm on 150mg of Trazodone. I have better days than others with the fatigue. I don't see there's anything I can do about it as I've tried lots of others antidepressants and they've all made me really ill, so I tell myself I have to put up with the constant tiredness.

This might pass for you the longer you stay on the medication, fingers crossed it does x