View Full Version : keeping fit

28-04-13, 17:39
I didnt know where to post this
I am wanting to lose weight and get fit, apart from walking what fitness do you do and has it helped with your panic/anx
I am thinking of aerobics at home or pilates

28-04-13, 17:53
Some people like a social aspect to their exercising but I would hate it, I tend to do things alone at my own pace. I have an exercise DVD I do and enjoy. It's a Weigh****chers one so it's not impossible for me to complete, unlike a few others I have tried. There are different sections of 5-10 mins each so you can mix and match.

I used to belong to a women-only gym where you do a half an hour circuit consisting of 3 mins each on different equipment. Again, it wasn't impossible to complete and I know those places have their critics, theyre no good for people who are already very fit, but it was ideal for me at the time. I would never have joined an ordinary gym but that place was just right. I let my membership lapse when I was away and haven't renewed it, but I know I should.

I know you mentioned it in your post but walking is, in my opinion, the greatest anxiety-buster of all. Have you tried setting yourself challenges that you can build up to? Time/distance ones or periods of normal then fast walking?

All exercise is good for anxiety, it's just a case of finding something you personally enjoy. Good luck, Torri xx

28-04-13, 18:38
Well I have a crosstrainer which I use so I just watch abit of tv while im on it lol but ive a good amount of weight on it also I use the wii fit :-)

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And swimming too when I get chance its good for your mind well I think it is for mine :-)

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

Lost a good amount of weight I ment lol

28-04-13, 18:51
I started pilates a couple of weeks ago and I am really enjoying it.

28-04-13, 20:15
thanks everyone, i do walk alot as i dont drive, i just wanted to do something else but not pay for it....i have just got myself a bike so i think this is the way forward for me.....i hope it works as i dont want this anx/panic anymore and i am trying anything

28-04-13, 20:57
Swimming is good and not too expensive if you go to a council pool. Xx

little wren
29-04-13, 07:36
Torri - exercise seems to help (me at any rate) reduce the anxiety. Even as little as 30 minutes a day. I have a cross trainer at home. If you can get out and about that is brilliant and it opens up things like cycling outdoors and jogging (which are free).

29-04-13, 12:22
What you should do to get active depends on your age, weight and level of fitness. I run, swim and lift weights, it keeps me in great condition. It feels great when I do it, and the healthy eating is good too.

I think it eliminates my anxiety, because I don't notice it much. It even helps with depression a little bit but I don't do much exercise when I enter a cycle.

29-04-13, 16:54
I have an exercise bike which is brilliant - a good work out watching TV or listening to music - and I do pilates too ("Pilates for Dummies"), which has helped a lot.

I also agree with SarahSarah about walking. I do feel it is underrated particularly if you have anywhere nice to go like woods, park or beach.

29-04-13, 18:48
Start off slowly and above all do something you enjoy that is half the battle! I have an exercise bike which I plonk in front of the tv, I also go cycling when the weather is ok. Walking to me is one of the best forms of exercise. I also love doing stuff on the wii..... am into wii zumba at the moment and wii fit!!! Anything is better than nothing!