View Full Version : introducing myself

28-04-13, 19:14

I will be honest. I have post traumatic Stress (childhood trauma not military) and Borderline Personality Disorder.

I am a binge drinker because of the above two diagnosis.

I have major problems in forming relationships of any kind. I don't know how to have arguments with people, yet still remain friends.

I hope I can learn ho to make long lasting relationships of any kind here.

On the plus side, I'm back down to going out once every two weeks. I also am trying to run regularly, instaed of spending 4 hours or more in the pub. I have some friends in the online runners wrold forums.

As my nickname implies I do have a small boat I am renovating, and I camp on over the summer. Her name is Nervon, a Welsh name meaning Child of the Sea.

Anyway thats all for now, feel free to chat with me. I'm honest and open, and I have a good listenning ear, if you need to offload stuff to anyone about anything. Nothing much surprises me anymore.

Hope your all having a good weekend?

28-04-13, 19:37
Welcome Sinbad,
I hope that you find this site helpful - It's certainly has been for me. I too have been diagnoised with PTSD (also as a result of a trauma, not military) so can empathise with that.
Wishing you all the best,
J x

28-04-13, 19:40
Hello and :welcome:

28-04-13, 20:15
Hello, welcome to the site! :)

28-04-13, 21:09
A big welcome to the site Sinbad :). I'm sure you'll find lots of support and comfort here. It sounds like you are trying to make some positive changes to your life, like you I enjoy running and I'm hoping to start back up again soon. The name of your boat is beautiful, renovating a boat seems like a wonderful way to spend your time :)

Wishing you the best

28-04-13, 22:49
Hi. Welcome aboard :)

You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.