View Full Version : Norovirus worry

Kitty Cat
28-04-13, 20:29
I spent a couple of hours yesterday morning, taking my Mum (who has moderate Alzhiemers disease) to visit a care home. she was fine and I left at lunchtime.
Just found out that she took ill last night with D and V , and I'm SO worried that I might have picked it up too. I had a very brief episode of the runs late last night and nothing else and I feel absolutely fine today. I am pathetically scared of the whole idea of stomach bugs and my hubby and I are going on holiday on Friday. Please does anyone know how long these things take to come out. I'm so scared might have caught something??:weep:

28-04-13, 21:08
If you caught anything, it will be totally out of your system by Friday. These things usually take a couple of days to show up and are over in 24 hours. I've had norovirus twice in the past few years and both times it came on very quickly. It started with stomach cramps then the D and V started an hour or so later. Stomach bugs whilst not pleasant, are not a major anxiety for me, I can honestly say that although it was horrible while it lasted, it was over pretty quickly. Hopefully you won't have caught it anyway but even if you have, it shouldn't affect your holiday.

28-04-13, 22:30
I have a phobia of vomiting and have read everything possible about norovirus! the incubation period is 24-48 hours so if you haven't got it by tomorrow evening you are very unlikely to get it. as Cattia says, even if you do get it you will be over it by Friday. Hope you have a good holiday!

Kitty Cat
29-04-13, 19:06
Thank you to both of you for your kind replies. It's Monday evening and I still feel fine:), so i hope i'll be ok, Maybe I should post as Wuss Cat!! xx