View Full Version : I'm really nervous that I have a brain tumour :(!!

28-04-13, 20:44
I've had headaches for almost 10 years that seem to be getting worse. WHen I lay down on my left or right side I get sharp pains in my head and I also get head pressure when I lay down flat on my back. I had severe dizziness last weekend, with horrible sharp pains in my head, weak right arm and leg, and my face felt like pins and needles. I went to the doctors and he performed some neurological tests on me because I thought it was a brain tumour, he also checked my blood pressure (which was fine) and I had blood work two days ago. The doctor told me it was all due to anxiety and stress, which I thought it was because after I left the doctors the headache, dizziness, weakness in right arm and leg, and pins and needles feeling in my face went down a bit but is still there. It's now been 4 days since I went to the doctors and I still have headaches/sharp pains in my head, pins and needles feeling in face, and slight dizziness especially when I am looking down. I also have head pressure and pain. What could it be?? :(