View Full Version : Trusting GPs

28-04-13, 20:51
Am struggling to trust what my GP told me about my breast lump. My friend told me GPs don't know anything and although I know that's stupid it's made me worry.

28-04-13, 21:11
Hey apple81

They dont go through med school for nothing lol they may not know everything like a cardiologist or neurologist knows well even they dont know everything but they are smart and they know there stuff. im sorry to hear about your breast lump have you been for tests ?

Cameron xx

28-04-13, 22:53
Have seen two GPs. First one told me it was swelling from a bruise (which was awful) on my breast but that he'd send me for a scan if it didn't go away; the second examined me properly (I think) and said it was normal tissue. Prob bit swollen from bruise. Gah!

28-04-13, 23:42
Try to believe and trust in your GP as this will ultimately make you feel better....if either GP thought there was something sinister they would have referred you for more tests.
Sorry to hear you have a lump but try to relax and it will hopefully go away...take care x

29-04-13, 14:35
I know it's hard but you do have to trust. I have a fibroid in my left breast which I completely freaked out about and despite biopsy and mammogram, STILL didn't fully believe my doctor (gp). Only after insisting on speaking to a specialist was I consoled - but it cost me a hell of a lot more $$ and angst than had I just trusted my doc :)

29-04-13, 14:38
Hi! My friend had a fall about a month ago and she had a horrid bruise! now the bruise has gone down but she has got these weird lumps where the bruise was! 2 of them and they are bigger than a pea! I didnt know this could happen but apparently is fairly common. i think its something to do with the Blood - they can take a while to go though :)