View Full Version : Anyone else have brain tumour symptoms?

29-04-13, 02:34
I have them an I'm so sure I have a tumour :(
I've had headaches and clicking in my ears when I swallow for almost 10 years!
I get sharp pains all over my head that worsen when I lay down on my left and right sides. I get pressure in my head when I lay straight out on my back (most recent symptom).
I get twitching all over my body, and most recently I had to go to the doctors because of severe dizziness and headaches, along with weakness in my right arm and leg, pressure in my right eye and my face felt like pins and needles, all when I look down. Doctor checked my blood pressure, did small neurological exams and sent me to do blood work which I haven't got my results for yet. He told me it was all due to anxiety, I felt better after the doctor because of I was reassured that it wasn't a brain tumour. But I still have slight dizziness, sharp pains in head, face feeling like pins and needles, weakness in my right arm and leg, pressure in my right eye when I look down and all other symptoms I stated above. I'm actually so terrified :(

29-04-13, 12:01
i am the exact same, and its all anxiety, i have felt like this for nearly 9 month now
i no how scary it is x

29-04-13, 15:58
i am the exact same, and its all anxiety, i have felt like this for nearly 9 month now
i no how scary it is x

It's so scary :( do you also get head pains when you lay down on your left or right sides?

22-05-13, 20:25
Me too, today I've got tightness, head pain in my forehead, clicking in my ears and ringing both in the left ear, also feeling tired and had on off nausea, just mild not severe. I got anxious on the way to work yday about my smear letter thinking what if they're abnormal results then today I came on and I'm kinda tryingntomreason thinking it might be that but still convinced my head has a tumor.

23-05-13, 00:11
Nice to know im not the only one that had those thoughts. My partner s uncle had one from him being diagnosed he died within 6 weeks. So now I just think well if I had id be 6 foot under by now. Im trying to deal with my HA some days r better than others but as my dad has said to me only I can snap my head out of it he was like it at my age (28) and he has said to me dont worry as its not killed me so don't worry.

23-05-13, 00:28
Nice to know im not the only one that had those thoughts. My partner s uncle had one from him being diagnosed he died within 6 weeks. So now I just think well if I had id be 6 foot under by now. Im trying to deal with my HA some days r better than others but as my dad has said to me only I can snap my head out of it he was like it at my age (28) and he has said to me dont worry as its not killed me so don't worry.

Hi Sam, thanks for the response. :) Just like you, I'm glad I'm not the only one with these symptoms. Makes me feel so much better! That's a good way of thinking of it, I'm just trying to keep myself busy because that seems to relly work for me :)

23-05-13, 00:47
Yeah I think its just a case of taking each day as it comes. It is nice to know im not the only one. Ive not had those thoughts for a bit but I know how u feel. It is stressful and when no one else understands its hard. My mum moans at me for looking on this forum and reading about anxiety but as I said to her how am I meant to understand if I don't read about it. My partner and my dad thankfully are s lot more understanding.

Random question have u tried hopi ear candling? ?

23-05-13, 00:55
Yeah I think its just a case of taking each day as it comes. It is nice to know im not the only one. Ive not had those thoughts for a bit but I know how u feel. It is stressful and when no one else understands its hard. My mum moans at me for looking on this forum and reading about anxiety but as I said to her how am I meant to understand if I don't read about it. My partner and my dad thankfully are s lot more understanding.

Random question have u tried hopi ear candling? ?

I know what you mean, I'm just so worried it isn't anxiety and it's a brain tumour :( It's good that your partner and dad are understanding, that's exactly like me. My mom is very worrisome so I don't usually go to her when I my symptoms are acting up.

I haven't tried that, what is it?

23-05-13, 17:20
me! :(

23-05-13, 17:42
I cannot truly get back to you because I haven't had my blood work done yet to test for hormonal function, but I will let you know that while it is known that Pituitary tumors can and will cause symptoms such as Anxiety/Depression namely from malfunction of the HPA axis, (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal), I will tell you from personal experience that anxiety can occur without the need for a Brain Tumor. For example my anxiety got a lot better in the past two months, my eye floaters dissapeared, so did the tinnitus, headaches, fatigue diminished greatly, now after learning last Friday I have a brain Tumour, now they are back. What are the odds??? Also, I've had that tumor since at least 2010, as it was visible back in a CT scan, yet I had no anxiety back in 2010, so what gives??

24-05-13, 19:47
My hormone tests came back normal, so my symptoms aren't tumour related, but anxiety related. :yesyes:

One quick question:

Do you exercise?

24-05-13, 20:20
That's good about your tests!
And I try to exercise sometimes, I don't have much time for it

24-05-13, 21:34
Hi Ashurrtia, I'm so confused about your post I'm having a dumb night, do you mean your symptoms were anxiety but you had a tumor, or the anxiety was your tumor. I hope your on the mend xx

24-05-13, 22:43
Hi Ashurrtia, I'm so confused about your post I'm having a dumb night, do you mean your symptoms were anxiety but you had a tumor, or the anxiety was your tumor. I hope your on the mend xx

Yes the symptoms I am having are anxiety related, and not due to some hormonal imbalance cause by the tumor, be it secreting too many hormones, or compressing the pituitary and causing it to not secrete hormones. So my fatigue, my headaches, etc, are cause by anxiety, not by hormonal imbalances.

I want to ask you the same question:

Do you exercise?

24-05-13, 23:27
Yeah I exercise three times a week i try to go running two nights a week, I also walk to work 45 minutes a day there and 45 minutes back, it had to stop for abit as I had some surgery on my abdomen but usually that's my exercise.
Why do you ask?
Ah I'm with you now, I'm just confused by mine I think I will go get some advice from my GP. I hope your ok x

25-05-13, 00:36
Yeah I exercise three times a week i try to go running two nights a week, I also walk to work 45 minutes a day there and 45 minutes back, it had to stop for abit as I had some surgery on my abdomen but usually that's my exercise.
Why do you ask?

I ask because exercising is by far one of the best anti-anxiety medications out there, and it is also mood/energy lifting. I'm gland you get enough exercise, given that many white collar jobs nowadays require little, if any, physical activity.

25-05-13, 04:28
I've noticed that about exercising! I'm going to try to keep active :D

25-05-13, 08:15
Yeah funnily enough when my excessive was regular, before I had my panic attach and a bad bout of anxiety for about 5 weeks, I didn't seem to present many symptoms, well if I did I didn't bloody notice and I'm sure I would of!
The doctor at the hospital told me that as I went a&e with chest pain and he said its anxiety after my ECG came back fine, and that exercise is really good. I'm picking it back up now but it did fall out of my priorities when I felt so low.

25-05-13, 13:27
Hi, all of the symptoms you have I have had at some point and I too have been convinced I had a brain tumour.
Most of the symptoms are anxiety but they are also stress related and can be because you are so tense.
Just the other day I had stabbing pains in my head so my friend at work who is a physio targeted a certain part of my shoulder (near my neck) and massaged it and it went! He said the pains were because I was so tensed up. I honestly couldn't believe it because normally when I get those stabbing pains they last for a few days on and off. My dr said before it was stress but I didn't believe it but now I have proof it actually is because the pain went straight away!

Your dr would send you for further tests if they were concerned at all.
If you want to talk you can message me :-) xx

25-05-13, 15:59
Ear candling is where they insert a hollow candle in to ur ear then light it its keant to bring out ear wax ect meant to be relaxing and help with things like balance and ear problems sinuses ect

25-05-13, 21:17
Hi, all of the symptoms you have I have had at some point and I too have been convinced I had a brain tumour.
Most of the symptoms are anxiety but they are also stress related and can be because you are so tense.
Just the other day I had stabbing pains in my head so my friend at work who is a physio targeted a certain part of my shoulder (near my neck) and massaged it and it went! He said the pains were because I was so tensed up. I honestly couldn't believe it because normally when I get those stabbing pains they last for a few days on and off. My dr said before it was stress but I didn't believe it but now I have proof it actually is because the pain went straight away!

Your dr would send you for further tests if they were concerned at all.
If you want to talk you can message me :-) xx

Hello Cassy, thanks for the reply. That's very reassuring. :)
The thing that really worries is the head pains I get that worsen when I lay down on my right and left sides. It happens every time, I'm forced to sleep almost sitting up which is so uncomfortable!

---------- Post added at 16:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------

Ear candling is where they insert a hollow candle in to ur ear then light it its keant to bring out ear wax ect meant to be relaxing and help with things like balance and ear problems sinuses ect

Sounds kind of painful, haha.
Have you ever done it before?

26-05-13, 17:57
You have to get that out of your mind, I too thought I had a brain tumour, or MS, and by brain tumour I don't mean the pituitary benign tumour they found, which has been there since at least 2010, but the type of tumour that kills you within 5 years. Truth be told, the first thing I did when they found my tumour was trying to blame all my symptoms to it, as many that have pituitary tumours do. But ironically, many of those poor fellows, proceed with the surgery even when the tumour is small, and not producing hormones, or touching anything, because they simply believe that it will relieve the headaches, dizziness, brain fog, etc. Only to find themselves worse off after the surgery, with worst headaches, dizziness, and even with pituitary malfunction that wasn't there before surgery. So the moral of the story for those people, who like me have small, non-functional tumours who present no danger at the moment, yet think their "symptoms" are induced by something physical, is that it was anxiety all along, and that by messing up with their bodies they ended up worst than they began. Truth be told, if you line up every healthy individual out there, and run a full body scan on them, you only need a hand to count those that will turn out with a perfect full body scan, but the real question is: Is every harmless imperfection, worth worrying about? For all I know I could have died of old age not ever knowing I had that tumour, or maybe when I was 40 or 50 I would have started loosing vision, and eventually find it, and have it removed. But is it worthwhile for me to be obsessing about it, and worrying about it, instead of trying to live and enjoy my life. Everybody has physical symptoms, some of them are daily, some of them are sporadic, the difference between them and someone who has anxiety, is that they do not let the physical symptoms get to them, or stop what they are doing. Yesterday I walked for 3 miles, just after walking 0.8 of a mile, I started feeling dizzy, and near-fainting, etc, yet I kept going, I kept pushing myself, at moments, it went away, and I was able to enjoy the sights, the breeze in my face, at moments it felt like I was gonna drop dead at any moment, but I did not let anxiety stop me from doing what I like to do, so neither should any of you. Our bodies are a lot stronger than we give them credit for.

So to all of you, big hugs :hugs:, and live life to the fullest.:winks::yesyes:

26-05-13, 21:20
Thanks again, ashurrutia :D:hugs:

27-05-13, 15:56
I feel exactly the same, I wake up every morning CONVINCED I have a tumour. I'm glad i'm not the only one though!

27-05-13, 16:04
Hey Andy, it's terrible isn't it?
My anxiety has grown so bad that even with just the slightest head pain I go into panic mode.
Have you done any scans?

27-05-13, 18:17
where is the pain in all your guys head wich makes you worry??/

27-05-13, 18:52
The thought of having a scan is crippling... I don't know what I'd do if they found anything :(

27-05-13, 23:40
I know what you mean, just would have to hope it's a low grade tumour and nothing serious. But seriously knock on wood in hopes that none of us have one.

28-05-13, 10:43
ugh bad bad day today,
back in work and my head and neck are so sore again,
i don't know if its work related as my symptoms started when i started a new job last week x

28-05-13, 15:18
Wouldn't be surprised if it's work related. You're probably tense and stuff :)

28-05-13, 15:41
i think ill just get checked out, my doctor presciped me 2mg of diazepam when i was last down there, yet to take them but think i will try tonight

28-05-13, 17:37
Yeah, try them!

Ugh today I bent down but kind of just with my right side to pick something up, and I got this weird pressure pain in my eye and forehead, then I went to sit down and I got this pressure on the left side of my nose :(

29-05-13, 00:25
I get pains when I lie down, it turned out to be sinuses! They get worse when you bend over or cough or cry and they even get really painful in the temple area.

Ask your doctor. xx

29-05-13, 00:30
Clicking in the ear is probably TMJ.

29-05-13, 00:41
Hi Margaret and Corona, thanks for the replies!

I really hope it's either sinuses or TMJ. This head pain really worried me. :(