View Full Version : So petrified! Please help!!

29-04-13, 06:44
I know we are not doctors, so not looking for diagnosis, just some advice. I woke up yesterday morning with a itchy, what looks like, bite on my stomach. I immediately worse case it by thinking its a brown recluse spider bite. It's red with a small pimple like center, like it could pop. Well I get on with my day trying to ignore it. I put benedryl on it and some antibacterial cream. Well later that evening there is what looks like a hive below it and now I'm freaking out. I let Benadryl sit on it and washed it off some hours later and it's still red with the pimple center but now there is a purplish hue around it too. My husband thinks its fine and doesn't think it looks like a target but I am completely in freak out mode. I wanted to go to urgent care but hubby wants me to calm down and not be so quick to go down this road again. can't sleep, I feel horrible and sick with waves of anxiety thinking this is Some Awful spider bite that will deaden my tissues and leave a gaping hole in my stomach. That is of course what I read on dr google! Sorry for being long winded! I'm so scared this purplish hue means something bad, or can you get that from a fading hive? Please help!

29-04-13, 07:17
Hi there,

Any bites I get always swell up and then get a purple bruise-like colour around them. I just keep them clean and watch them for a couple of days to make sure they're not infected. They always go down on their own.

I suggest you give it a day or two and see how it goes. If it starts to hurt more or looks infected, see your doctor/nurse. I think you're referring to the target-like bite from ticks which are definitely worth watching for but I think you'd know that if you saw it.


29-04-13, 18:54
Thanks so much for the response! Thankfully I woke up and the purplish hue was gone, but the welt and 'bite' have melded together to form one large red welt! It keeps changing and now I feel like my abdomen is cramping and that could be related! This anxiety is thru the roof right now! My dr has walk in hours so I am going to have them look at it so I can get some reprieve hopefully, if I don't second guess!