View Full Version : Just want to be happy again

29-04-13, 11:34
I've suffered from ha since I was about 7 years old, I'm now 35 and last September it reared its ugly head and hasn't gone away. I worry about every single ache and pain, so scared that I am going to die and leave my 3 children with no mother. I am so unhappy and scared every minute of every day, why did it come ack when it did? I was so happy last year I want to go back to that now. I am at my wits end I really don't know what to do anymore :weep:

29-04-13, 11:47
Sorry to hear how bad you are suffering.......I'm the same at the mo so don't really know what to say to make you feel better except that you are not alone! I feel like everyday is my last, i'm not living, just existing. I can't find any joy in anything and am obsessed with my health. I don't believe/trust what the doctors say and as soon as I get over one worry another starts!

Hugs to you x

29-04-13, 11:48
Try to relax.....I know how hard this is believe me, but these thoughts are making you miserable. Just keep thinking of getting each day through and if you start to become anxious get up, change your routine and then when you feel calmer write down what your fears were and see them for what they are...it is a long road but it is all about trying to change our thinking process....accept what is facts and what is fiction, what we can change and what we have to learn to accept. Good luck....my heart goes out to you but on here we are all friends we havent met yet and we are there to support each other xxx

29-04-13, 11:56
Thanks for your replies it helps to know that I am not alone, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Now I have just had a letter to say that the blood test I had last week showed that my blood sugar was out of range, now I'm worrying sick that I am diabetic :( xx