View Full Version : Worried sick about going to the job centre :(

29-04-13, 12:07
I was made redundant a week ago. Since then my dad's been telling me I have to sign on in order to let the government know. My anxiety has been really bad recently and I'm not ready to look for work at the moment. I do have savings which is what I'll have to live on for the time being I guess, but going to the job centre this afternoon is really worrying me. I don't think Dad really knows how much this is affecting me, and just said, you're not asking them for any money so you don't need to tell them much! Can anyone tell me what I should expect?

NE21 worrier
29-04-13, 12:22

Is your doctor aware of your current anxieties? Are you taking any medication/going to counselling?

The only reason I ask is because I am aware that you can also use a fit note from the GP at the job centre.

Unfortunately, I am not aware of the process/differences as I have not been in your position (although I might be shortly:scared15:) but you may be able to claim ESA (Employment & Support Allowance), rather than JSA where you have to show that you are actively seeking employment.

29-04-13, 12:31
Have you made an appointment with the job centre?

29-04-13, 13:05
I haven't made a specific appointment I just assumed you could drop in.

My doctor is aware of my current situation - I am on medication and still waiting for cbt on the nhs. Would I have to take a fit note when I see them or can I send it later. I haven't got one at the moment because I didn't know about this and my doctor didn't say anything!

29-04-13, 13:11
No you can't drop in.

You have to fill all the forms in online now then they make you an advisor appointment.

NE21 worrier
29-04-13, 13:13
At the job centre, I think you would be able to approach the 'front desk' on an ad hoc basis but I think it is likely, on this first point of contact, that they will simply arrange an appointment for you to speak to a specific advisor at a later time/date.

In the meantime, I would advise on you going back to the GP for a fit note - just so your current position is officially documented - and then provide this to the job centre at the arranged appointment, or your first arranged opportunity to do so. As I say, I've not been through the process myself (yet!) but it may determine which benefit you receive. On JSA, you have to be actively looking for work, I'm not entirely sure of the position with ESA.

Hope things get sorted for you soon,
Peter x

29-04-13, 13:36
Thanks guys that's really helpful. I guess I'll find out more when I make an appointment later.

Sorry to hear that Peter. I hope everything works out for you.
Sue x

29-04-13, 13:50
You're going to be nervous about going to the job centre for the first time, most people are, so think of that as normal anxiety, that's nothing to be worried about. All the staff at the job centre are trained to deal with nervous people.

Just go along and follow what they tell you, you'll get put through the system and come out the other side no problem at all.

At the end of it, you'll have a bit of money to keep you going. You will however, have to go to your job centre once every two weeks to sign on. Between signing on you will have to fill in your booklet to prove what you've been doing to look for work.

Just go with the flow and follow what they tell you to do, it's easy peasy!!

29-04-13, 15:28
I think you have to phone Job Centre Plus and go through things with them and they make you an appointment. Thats the first thing the security guy at the door asks. And they dont let anyone in with the person who has the appointment.

29-04-13, 15:39
I agree flori - they won't just see you if you turn up. I expect we are too late now though and snoodlester has already been and found this out lol

29-04-13, 15:43
Nicola, I thought it was tomorrow he said he was going:)

29-04-13, 15:47
"this afternoon" apparently

29-04-13, 16:12
Hi there,

I got a fit note from my GP then rang the ESA people and done my claim over the phone. I got the number from the job centre at the front desk, well, my OH did as I was under a bush shaking with fear lol. I warn you now it took 45mins to get through the call but within 2 weeks I was paid. Quick considering I quit my job.

I hope you get sorted soon. Xxx Cookie xxx

29-04-13, 16:30
Yep you're right I've just found that out! Still not great for my anxiety levels :( will have to look online now I guess.

But what I'm wondering is how this will work as I'm staying at my parents at the moment as it's all become too much. Presumably I'd have to register my home address? Or can I give both?

Sue x

29-04-13, 16:35
I did try and save you a wasted journey Sue lol

I guess it depends how long you are staying there for? Do you own your own home or rent it?

29-04-13, 16:41
Hi there,

I got a fit note from my GP then rang the ESA people and done my claim over the phone. I got the number from the job centre at the front desk, well, my OH did as I was under a bush shaking with fear lol. I warn you now it took 45mins to get through the call but within 2 weeks I was paid. Quick considering I quit my job.

I hope you get sorted soon. Xxx Cookie xxx

29-04-13, 18:43
Hi Nicola
Of course you were right!
I own my own home, but I'm staying at my parents indefinitely because I can't bear being on my own, especially at night. I've been taking new meds since end of February, but I can't see any improvement right now.

Sue x

29-04-13, 20:06
In that case Sue I would put down your parents address and tell them you have another home as well.