View Full Version : Have to leave my safe place

29-04-13, 15:44
Hi everyone,

I am freaking out as I have a hospital appointment tomorrow. I will have to leave my house arghhh. It can take a dogs age as I pace up and down then run away when my OH opens the front door.
Then the hospital will be crowded, I'll be having palpitations and sweating. I'm having them now just thinking about it.
I've had Hep C for over 20 yrs and last blood test showed abnormalities in my liver. I'm so scared I can't think, I def won't sleep I'm an absolute mess today. My OH is coming with me, if she doesn't leave me by then lol. :weep:

Love, a very scared and soggy cookie xxx

29-04-13, 18:59
Sending you massive hugs :bighug1:

Remember that the anticipatory anxiety is usally worse that the event. Hope it all goes well for you x

29-04-13, 19:36
Good luck. As said above, the thought is often worse. Take a bottle of water to sip. Do you know how long your appointment will last? Try and break it down into small chunks: house to car; car journey; car to hospital; etc. Then you can tick bits off rather than seeing it all as one big thing. Also, when you mentally think you've done two parts out of 4 etc, that will help. Good luck!

29-04-13, 20:29
Good luck tomorrow.

01-05-13, 12:27
I hope all went well, sorry I missed this. I can totally relate to how you feel, well done for going xxx