View Full Version : Biopsy Results - Confused

29-04-13, 16:06
Hi all,

I had a biopsy done during a colonoscopy and endoscopy last Monday.

I called up today and they said they had a colonoscopy report come back but the Dr hadn't commented on it yet, she said she'd send him a message and I should call back tomorrow or the Dr might call me.

Would I have known by now if it was cancerous? (They biopsied a polyp, which at the time of finding it the GI doc put on the report was benign)

Ive only ever had blood tests done at this Dr's, so I don't know their procedure if anything is wrong, but I just had a missed call from an unknown number (no voicemail) and I'm paranoid they are trying to get hold of me with bad news.

I realise there isn't much I can do between now and tomorrow, or if I get a phonecall, but I'm pretty anxious / worried.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Chris x

29-04-13, 16:43
When I had my endoscopy done, they did a bunch of biopsies. It took like two weeks for results because they mailed me them. (Everything fine except gastritis.)

I was told that if there were something serious, I would have received a call within a few days of the endoscopy. If it were cancerous or questionable, they would have gone out of their way to get in touch with you, because the report would have said that it was urgent. If the doctor called from an unknown number, he or she would have left a message. Or, had the secretary call you back with a message. Maybe things are different over there (I'm in kind of a lawyer-oriented culture), but doctors here are terrified of malpractice suits from things like that.

That's what I think, anyway! :hugs:

29-04-13, 16:50
Thanks for the reply.

I'm trying to stay positive and that if the Dr hasn't commented on the notes, that hopefully means that he hasn't needed to, as I'm sure they go through them all briefly as soon as they get them and then deal with urgent cases.

There's still the panic when I get calls or something though.

I'm off to the theatre tonight, so, I'll just try and enjoy myself either way. Easier said than done though!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll let you know either way when I get the results.


29-04-13, 16:56
I know what you mean about phone calls I get so worked up every time my phone rings, I to am waiting for blood work to come back. I hope everything is good for you thinking happy thoughts for you!

29-04-13, 16:58
I had a Biopsy done a few months ago it was a different type but I rang for the results and they said "Oh the consultant needs to look at them and decide the next course of action" This sent me into a complete panic and I ended up ringing back as I was so worried, to which they said oh the consultant has to see all of them before we can release the results.

Still being in a panic I pushed further and they said, if it was urgent the consultant would have seen them immediately and would have contacted you by now.

So I think the results that need attention get checked immediately and are defiantely priorotised over everything else. It's just they have to see every result and decide on a course of action but obviously some require attention a lot sooner than others.

So I wouldn't worry, in the end I got a letter and everything was perfectly normal.

30-04-13, 17:15
Biopsy results always take at least 2 weeks or longer to come back from pathology. Until the Dr has these results they will not comment at all. Remember MOST bowel polyps will not be cancerous but they like to take them off if they find them to stop them becoming cancerous.

Hopefully your biopsy results will show no cancerous changes and then it might just be a case of you having a repeat test in a few years to make sure no more have appeared.

How old are you?? they get more common with age.

I appreciate that until you get that biopsy result you will be worried but its much more likely to be normal than not.

30-04-13, 19:19
Hi all,

I got the results of my colonoscopy, which was all clear.

Still waiting for the gastroscopy results, but, I haven't had any calls to suggest anything is wrong, so, fingers crossed!

Thanks for all your replies so far.

I'm 26, so it's definitely not an age thing for me.

Chris x

01-05-13, 05:43
Thank you so much for the update, I was sending you lots of good thoughts and I'm so glad you received good results!

02-05-13, 17:30
Thank you! Really appreciate it.

Still awaiting Gastroscopy results but, it's approaching two weeks now and no news, so hopefully that's a good sign.

Will report back on that as well.

Thanks all,
Chris x

02-05-13, 18:21
Glad you got good news Chris, I am the worst person for waiting for results, I know how hard it can be. :)