View Full Version : Just started reading a book

29-04-13, 17:00
Called overcoming your HA.

I had to post because it was recommended by someone in this group and I've only read a few chapters but it is brilliant.

It explains what we go through so accurately and clearly and it actually all makes sense. There's also excercises to do further on in the book and it's a kind of CBT.

I'm not saying it's a cure but from what I've read so far it has made me feel so much better so just wanted to post to say whoever recommended it thank you very much, it's a great book.

29-04-13, 17:02
Did you buy it at a book store? Who is it by?

29-04-13, 17:09
It's by Rob Wilson and David Veale and I got it from Amazon. I think it's going to be well worth a read and I imagine (although I'm only a few chapters in) it's going to be a book you can keep referring back to when you are having a bad time.:)

29-04-13, 17:37
Found the book, can't buy it right now but would like to. I once had a great HA book but my therapist at the time on my last session with him bought the book from me, I wish I never sold it to him cause it was like your book so good for helping with HA. The sad thing is the therapist in the long run didn't really help me out, that book would of though!:mad:

29-04-13, 17:51
It's strange how things like that can help you where others can't. I suffer from IBS and years ago it was so bad I was convinced I had Colon Cancer. Anyway I bought a similar book and it was based on helping you cope with IBS and explained everything so well it was like a Bible to me and still is, if I ever have an attack I get out the book just to remind myself that my symptoms are IBS and not something more sinister.

Books like this are worth their weight in gold, hope you can get hold of a copy soon :)