View Full Version : heart palps

29-04-13, 19:18
Ive had these heart palps every day for about two years now they def came on more after my breakdown and during it. Ive had a chest x ray blood tests and ecg over a year ago all fine. Things anxiety wise have settled alot for me but I do have quite a stressfull life aswell, do you think I should go back to doctors as im still getting them?

29-04-13, 19:26
Hi I get them too feels like they take my breath away for a second.
I've been to docs today and he didn't seem bothered by it, said anxiety (and hormones) can cause them.

29-04-13, 19:32
Oh really :-/ yeah there horrible is rubbish suddenly your heart just goes fast do you sometimes feel it in your throat? Im 26 dont smoke and do exercise and a normal weight

29-04-13, 19:55
Im 24 don't smoke or drink, don't exercise mind you but a healthy weight. Mine are more like thuds than a racing heart. My doctor said they can be more noticeable around the time of your periods. Do yours catch your breath also, for a split second?

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

And felt it in my neck earlier the side though

29-04-13, 20:11
Yes they do catch my breath aswell I know what you mean :-(
And yes mine can be big thuds aswell like suddenly arnt they even when im not anxious aswell

29-04-13, 20:17
Me too. In fact they are what has set me off this week! I was just getting on with my day when I noticed more than normal and the last 10 days have been awful! I really trust my doctor though and am trying to get on with things. As hard as that is!!

29-04-13, 20:20
It makes me really upset I think why do I have to have these stupid heart palps and other symptoms and hope one day they will all go! Do you have any other symptoms? I also have muscle twiches and eye prob too :-)

29-04-13, 20:27
Until this morning I had an eye twitch for a few days and the first thing he said to me was 'are you aware these are all symptoms of anxiety?'. He is not worried in the slightest an I also had a pain in my upper left arm which didn't worry him.
I totally agree, of all the symptoms you can get, heart palpitations have to be one of the most frightening. I keep checking my pulse etc but it still doesn't reassure me :-(

29-04-13, 20:38
Oh I had eye twich it lasted about a week I thought this will never go at the time :-(
I sometimes check my pulse aswell I used to do it a few times a day before too its rubbish. Do you work at the moment or have much support from people?

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

I have been to my docs before about things not for a while but I used to get so anoyed when they say there not worried lol I know I should be pleased but I worry incase there wrong

29-04-13, 21:12
I go to college at the moment. I have the support of my partner but he works and when I am alone with our daughter its really hard as I just don't have the patience with her lately. She has just turned 6 and is getting quite cheeky and its something I dont feel I am able to deal with right now.

29-04-13, 21:20
Your doing really well going to college and having a 6 year old to look after. I have a nearly two year old and on my own I know how tough it is trying to juggle everything x

29-04-13, 22:11
It certainly is :-)
Being alone with a toddler must be very challenging, especially when you are having palpitations!

Heres to us both overcoming this B-) x

10-06-13, 07:34
Heart palps have come back and it feels like im not breathing well :-(
Theres like sudden thumps in my throat

10-06-13, 10:26
I'm having a lot of 'heart issues' atm. I'm going through a massive amount of stress with two small kiddies on my own and had a clear ECG etc and all my dr says is its anxiety.
But my symptoms this time are more severe than they have been before and different. And when I went to see her last time she just said she was so confident it was stress she didn't need to even examine me.
I'm a mess really.

10-06-13, 15:45
Sorry your having this aswell im a single parent aswell to a two year old and under alot of stress I can just imagine what its like on own with two.

10-06-13, 19:40
Thanks. I just feel like their life is passing me by and I don't spend enough quality time with them for this heart fear.
I'm worried about a burning now in my centre chest which the dr says is just muscular but its there most of the time :(

Catherine S
10-06-13, 22:50
My doctor has always been really good about my palps whenever I go to him about them (I get them on and off). He tells me that both he and his wife suffer with them, except with his wife they only show up on a monitor, but he gets them where he can feel them like alot of us do, and he's never bothered about them...that always makes me feel better about mine :)

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

Ive just read what you said also about the 'thumps' in your throat. That could be because we have a large pulse point there and when your heart misses beats or flutters you can feel it in the various pulse points in your body. Its a scary feeling and although the doctors tell us its nothing to worry about, its very uncomfortable. I hope you feel better soon x