View Full Version : random nose bleed now im terrified help urgent

30-04-13, 00:13
I was sitting here doing nothing and all of a sudden a drip of blood comes out of my left nostril. Now im absoultey terrified something is wrong with me. Nose bleeds dont randomly happen. It just happend and it bleed for not even a minute and now it has stopped

I know random nose bleeds are a sign of high blood pressure and now im terrified that i have and it and something is going to happen to me. I am in a panic state right now and i'm feeling pretty faint someone please help me

why did my nose randomly drip blood its scaring me!:weep:

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i think im also coming down with a headache

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my chest is really tight too where my heart is help me

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now im getting a little bit nausuas

30-04-13, 00:13
Some people are prone to nose bleeds and they happen for no reason

Has it stopped now?

30-04-13, 00:15
Clank try and calm down a bit. I know its easier said than done. Has your nose stopped bleeding yet.

30-04-13, 00:16
Yes it lasted a few seconds and stopped. I never nave nosebleeds. Last time i did was when i was 8-9 and im 17 now. I'm absoultely terrified that something is wrong with me.

30-04-13, 00:18
Are you still feeling faint. Try some deep breathing and see if that helps.

30-04-13, 00:19
I feel fine i just feel super nervous. i dont know why one drip of blood randomly pooured out of my left nostril. I never ever get nosebleeds

30-04-13, 00:22
Sometimes that happens. Have you tried relaxation videos. There are some good ones on You Tube.

30-04-13, 00:25
i do that before i go to bed. but nothing can calm me down now. Do you think I have high blood pressure?

30-04-13, 00:25
Nosebleeds DO happen randomly. Everyone here has had a nosebleed in the past which has just come out of the blue and then stopped, just like yours did. Even if you do have high BP (not at all likely at your age) it won't kill you tonight or for a good long while yet.

Your other symptoms sound like they're caused by anxiety about the nosebleed. Habe a lay down and try some deep breathing, it really does help. Xx

30-04-13, 00:28
i think im getting so worked up and its causing me to have these random head aches and nasuas feeling. I dont think i have a nose tumor or a nose blood clot. my friends say its from the dry weather.

30-04-13, 00:31
You are young and as Sarah said high blood pressure is unlikely. Maybe you should go and have a lie down and try and relax. Is your parents there and you can talk to them.

30-04-13, 00:32
my parents dont really say anything tell me its my anxiety and to get over it and thats the end of the conversation

30-04-13, 00:37
Clank see, you know within yourself that you are getting worked up. So you need to try and relax.

30-04-13, 00:38
what if i have that low platlet level thing the word that starts with a th. Not sure what its called but i know its like, not sure but i know it can cause bruising and internally bleeding if severe and i am nervous

30-04-13, 00:48
You haven't got that, you just had a nosebleed like everyone does once in a blue moon, and it's over now xx

30-04-13, 00:50
can it be from dry air? my room is super hot and always feels dry since itsa bove the garage and air conditioning doesn't work in it. do you think its dry air?

30-04-13, 01:14
Hey Clank,

It could be from anything, hot weather drys out the nose and makes it more prone to start bleeding but also in the winter out skin drys out and that can cause nose bleeds aswell or even like you said the dry air in your room. We have lots of blood vessels in our nose that can easily start bleeding.

I have nose bleeds all the time, sometimes I have them every day for months. My blood pressure is fine.

Aslong as the bleeding stops that's the main thing. I usually stuff tissue up there and don't pull it out for a while. It usually helps to stop the bleeding. Just make sure you don't blow your nose or stick anything up there just yet as it may start bleeding again.

30-04-13, 01:23
I am fine i think. My throat is tarting to hurt but i dont think that relates to any of this. well it might i dont know anything :\

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chest also feels tight and head kind of hurts

30-04-13, 11:27
You have explained exactly what I have had recenlty. It starts of with a nose bleed randomly (which my doc said was from dry air). then I work myself up and along come the anxiety symptoms.

30-04-13, 11:52
I too have the occasional unexplained nose bleed. The first few times it happened I panicked (I hate blood) but now I just mop it up and get on with my day.

There are many natural explanations for nose bleeds. It's just one of those things. You'll be fine mate.

30-04-13, 14:31
I had a random nosebleed the other day where it literally just started gushing and lasted several mins. My white bathroom looked like someone had tried to murder me lol. But it hasn't happened since and I feel fine. I think the blood vessels in your nose are very thin and sensitive so can be damaged or torn easily from blowing your nose etc. I would only worry if it happens alot, doesnt stop for 10mins or so or you are otherwise feeling unwell.

30-04-13, 18:23
they do come on all of a sudden, honestly. i had one a few years ago, totally the same as yours. the only difference is that we have HA and think in a different way to others. anyone else would have just through 'oh well' and not given it a second thought. its a terrible way to live. i hate it x