View Full Version : hearing of some one dieing

30-04-13, 10:33
hi can hearing of someone you know make you moe anxiouse . as i got a phone call yersterday about some one i know has only got a few days to live and ever since its made my anxiety worse as i cant stop thinking about her and even tho i wasnt close to her . i am friieghtened of death could it be that that has caused me to be more anxiuose, i also have HA as i dont like hearing of people i know dieing and why is she playing on my mind and just wonderd how to stop thinking about it thks

30-04-13, 12:39
It's always sad to hear of someone dying, especially when they're young. A few days before my Mother passed away I had to visit the on-call doctor and also be taken to A&E because I just couldn't cope. I didn't want her to die, even though she had very bad Alzheimer's disease and her passing would be a release for her. Feeling totally powerless to do anything and stop the inevitable was very hard to bear. I felt physically ill almost like my skin was in pain and I was given some Valium to help me through it.

So, what you're going through is normal and look upon it as that. Surely, if you took the call and said "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" then carried on without thinking about it and getting on with you life not caring would be more of a worry as it would be an inappropriate response.

30-04-13, 16:03
With anxiety our nerves and emotions are sensitized. We tend to react in an exaggerated way to emotional stimuli. Hearing about your friend is an emotional thing and no doubt it has also triggered a belief inside your mind. Look closely to see what it is.

01-05-13, 00:48
it is normal to feel anxious.. these things are a shock to the system, i just found out that my uncle died of a heart attack...bang just like that...only 53 aswell

coulnt function properly after i heard the news, just put a big spin on everything