View Full Version : Slimfast

30-04-13, 10:40
My social anxiety and agoraphobia have become a lot worse because of extreme weight gain, caused partly by my meds. This morning I have been looking online at the various diet foods available. I have pretty much decided I want to try Slimfast. The shakes and bars are sold in Tesco and Boots and are not ridiculously expensive. Has anyone tried this diet? How did it work for you? Would you recommend it?

30-04-13, 12:11
I'm very dubious - you can lose weight drinking shakes and eating snack bars? Is it a balanced diet, or just a supplement?

I had a look at their website, which featured people and their favourite 500 kcal meal. 500 kcal meal - well, okay if that's the whole meal, with nothing else on the side.

30-04-13, 12:31
Hallo Rain,
I have tried this, but would not recommend it. I did lose a small amount but it made me feel very hungry, lightheaded and very strange. My friend also tried it , she also binged after ten days. Would not recommend this at all. Most of the weight we lost was water weight. Found this to be a bit of a con really.
Hope this helps.

30-04-13, 13:57
In my experience (& my weight has fluctuated up & down alot over the years) I find that eating sensibly is the best way. Being organised so that if you do feel the need to eat between meals for instance, you have something lined up that will suffice.
Make sure you pad out meals with plenty of veg, salad or fruit. That is what really works for me.
I find that diets which mean breaking from a usual type eating pattern (i.e. 3 medium meals a day with the odd thing in between) tends to make me feel very hungry and depressed.
The other day I decided to stop eating biscuits/chocolate at work. The first day I failed miserably as there is always a plentiful supply. The second day somehow I managed not to have anything. AFter that I have stuck to it.
The life saver for me, believe it or not, has been drinking fruit smoothie (mango & passion fruit one) that I got from the shop. this seems to satisfy my sweet tooth and means i dont get hungry towards the end of the day.
My lunches nearly always consist of something veggie such as quorn sausages or quorn party eggs, quorn grill etc (so rather like having chicken or fish or something) & then plenty of salad. I cut it up in the morning before going to work.
I do 'allow' myself a couple of coffee's a day; milky ones & if i dont have those i get hungry. Really for me being organised if important.
Its so hard to resist isnt it? & also if its being made worse by meds then that's really tough because it isnt exactly like you have made it happen. Losing weight is so hard but you can do it. If you cut out too much too soon, I dont think it'll work. There really is no replacement for sensible, balanced meals really.
oh also not eating after about 8.00 in the evening (i often fail on that one though so i am no angel!!!!).
anyway, the best of luck with whatever you decide. you can always come back here on days you feel like pigging out. its good to know that there are people who will encourage you all the way; it always helps me to know that.
I have found that now i am out of the habit of eating biscuits at work, i seem not to be craving them as much. that's a big improvement. mind you, i dont know about you but my hormones also play a big part!!! they make me want to eat for england sometimes.

06-05-13, 21:37
How is is going, Rain? Did u decide to go the slim fast route?