View Full Version : shakey vision

30-04-13, 10:59

been posting alot lately started off with tension headache for about 4 weeks. Then went to twitching temples. Pressure temples. Then onto twitching eye. Still got the twitching eye. My whole face feels tight. My eyes are sore itchy and a bit puffy. When i look into the distance and stare for a bit my vision goes shakey and blurred if i blink it goes off. All i seem to do all day is look in the mirror at my eye twitching and check how long it takes for my vision to go shakey when looking into the distance.

Does anybody else get this sort of vision. Im so fed up with checking things if not my vision it would be something else. I feel tired and fed up.


30-04-13, 12:35
Hi there, yea I get this constantly!!!! Ranging from mild nasal/eye twitching to a complete hemi-facial spasm which usually makes my face go really tight to the point it goes completely numb!!!!!!!

Headaches are constant and unfortunately no painkillers seem to alleviate them. The head aches are my trigger point and often lead to the viscous cycle described above .but hey what can you do except get on with it!!!!!!!

30-04-13, 13:05

thankyou for your reply. Do you get the vision thing too.


30-04-13, 13:10
Hi Lorraine,

I too suffer from occasional shaky vision. It used to really freak me out and sometimes it still does, but I try to ignore it the best I can.

Mark, have you ever been prescribed migraine tablets? I suffered for years with bad headaches that no amount of painkillers would help, then I was prescribed Zomig tablets and they were a godsend. Unfortunately, as I am on Citalopram at the moment I am unable to take the Zomig though.

30-04-13, 13:19
hi thanks for reply.

I used hedex it was the only tablet that seemed to take the edge off the hedadache.

Hope thats a help.


30-04-13, 13:23
1) hi yea I get the shaky/fuzzy/shimmering Vision with occasional floaters . Hady eyes tested recently as a check up was due and shock horror my vision was normal...

2) oh not heard of them so will look them up at work ... Will mention it to my gp as its the headaches that are crucifying me at present...


30-04-13, 18:24
hi mark

you can buy them over the counter at chemist they are for tension headaches they are about £1.99.


05-05-13, 18:55
Ive had intermittent shaky vision for years. My eyes have always shown to be in perfect health at the optician. It mostly happens when i sit at the computer. Its as if Im shaking my head, without my head moving at all. It has a real feeling of internal movement with it.

11-05-13, 19:59

yes my shakey vision is exactly as you say!!!! that has really put my mind at rest. Went to the optians about 5 mths ago. All ok just need glasses for driving and a little more help with reading glasses. Eyes all in good health.

thanks so much for your reply.


23-08-13, 15:58
I have chronic muscle pain in the temporalis muscles and neck / shoulders / jaw area.

In me it is caused by myofascial trigger points. I also have a weird vision problem when scanning / panning my vision at close distance at less than 6 inches. My vision "jiggles" or "jitters". Only I can see it in my vision itself.

This could be caused by the trigger points somewhere in the head /neck region or by trigger points in the eye muscles themselves, which I can't really treat.

Trigger points have been reported to cause double vision or things like that, though that is not what I have.

Look up myofascial trigger points. They can be anywhere in the muscle of the body.

Search for Paul Ingraham and read that. You may have trigger points, I don't know. Tension Type Headache TTH, is normally refering to temporalis pain, which I think is normally caused by trigger points.

Self massage can work, though you don't massage right where the pain is, it doesn't work like that. It is a complicated subject you need to start reading and learning about.