View Full Version : Assessment tommorrow

30-04-13, 12:39
Hi everyone I suffer with anxiety and have an assessment tomorrow to see what therapy will best be suited to me and what they can do to help.

Is there any specific questions I should ask, as I want to get the most out of the session?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks :)

30-04-13, 14:40
I had a telephone assessment and before they rang me they sent me a couple of questionaires to fill in. The assessment lasted 40 minutes and they asked a lot of questions, there wasn't anything I needed to ask as they covered everything. I recommend having a notepad with you to jot any notes down. Good luck and hope it goes well. The lady who rang me and is sorting out CBT on a 1-2-1 basis for me is lovely!

30-04-13, 15:48
That sounds great, I am meeting the practioner in person its not telephone based but I guess it will be more or less the same thn in terms of questionnaires, thanks for the reply, you sound very happy with how your assessment went. I have heard cbt is meant to be very good