View Full Version : First it was Diabetes, then MS, now Crohns... BOO!

30-04-13, 12:52
Here it is in bullet points:

- Six weeks ago was diagnosed with genital warts.
- Three weeks later I contracted Impetigo (required two weeks of antibiotics (and some antivirals thrown in for good measure) and it went (leaving me with an attractive red scar on my chin.
- These all left me really shaken up and anxious, anxiety continued for the last two weeks...
- Anxiety caused me to pee all the time and have numbness in hands and feet (hence the diabetes)...
- Then my legs and arms started continually aching... so there's the MS
- Now I have poopy problems (yippee!) so now it's Crohn's (my mum has it so not exactly something I picked up out of nowhere)

These have all been accompanied by horribly dry eyes preventing me from wearing my contact lenses and I have a feeling my eyesight has decreased (this may have happened beforehand without me really noticing). Was sent to a&e this morning and she says I'm dehydrated and my stomach is inflamed (right in between my ribs is tender and swollen). She told me to neck some fluids, try and eat and see a doctor if it hasn't improved in 2-3 days because it might be something to do with vitamin D.

Could this all really just be caused by panic?! - Especially the eye symptoms because those are what I'm noticing the most.

30-04-13, 13:08
Hi there,

Tingly arms and feet = anxiety
More frequent urination = anxiety
Aching limbs = anxiety
Eyes affected = anxiety

Obviously I am no doctor, but I have had all the symptoms you have written, and more.