View Full Version : Need some reassurance

25-09-06, 00:36
I haven't been on this website for a while but I'm back because I am in need of help. Lately my mind has gotten carried away with numerous health scares. It all started up again last month when I sprained my ankle running. Ever since then, anytime I feel "weird" I automatically associate my symptoms with cancer. Within the last few days I've developed a stuffy nose, low grade fever, sore throat, fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort around the stomach area and diahrrea. I did the google thing and the first thing that came up was cancer. So now I'm terrified!

In addition to the sprained ankle I feel as though past experiences have made me more nervous. I had an uncle pass away from leukemia unexpectedly. An old coworker of mine has had some serious health problems.

Also previously I haven't had the best health insurance so it isn't easy for me to go to the doctor and just get checked out. I start a new job tomorrow and will have health insurance immediately but all this speculation is also making me very fearful of going to the doctor even just to get a checkup. I don't want to be so nervous that I can't get myself to go to the doctor as I think that would be incredibly problematic. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.

25-09-06, 01:31
Stress is hell on the immune system. Your symptoms sound virus-like and I hope you're feeling better soon! Take your vitamin c's and remember starting a new job is one of the most stressful things we can do to ourselves. If you're not feeling better after a week and you still have fever, then a visit to the dr. would be wise. My sane voice always tells me to "wait and see." Sometimes it works. ;)

And read the anti-google thread in this forum. I swear, Google thinks everything is cancer.My kid's pediatrician has a cartoon in his office that reads, "There will be a $10 charge for any diagnosis a patient has obtained through Google."

06-10-06, 13:44
Well the stomach issues seem to be getting better. But now, my throat/neck is just feeling funny like really swollen but hardly any sore throat. I still feel like I'm battling a cold too.

I'm really scared about what this could be, issue with my thyroid, something else. I'm terrified and I have a doctor appt on monday for a checkup but I'm scared to bring up these symptoms for fear that something bad is happening. I don't know what to do!