View Full Version : 8 hrs sleep..

30-04-13, 15:07
Hi guys..just to share..Since iv been on my olanzapine and raised trazadone.iv been sleeping really really well. Like a new man..Last night i slept for 8 hrs..cant believe it..i really hope it continues and my body dsnt just get used to it.:D

30-04-13, 16:15
A good nights sleep makes all the difference. Glad to hear it.

30-04-13, 16:20
Fantastic Greg, really pleased for, it makes all the difference a night's sleep.

You still at the centre? And how's you mood now?

30-04-13, 16:26
Hi Clio.yep still at the center..only 2-3 days per week now..so still killing time in my day..mood has lifted ..i think the meds maybe working and the sleep is def helping...im now looking forward to bedtime knowing im sleeping..so im relaxed before i even goto sleep..also im in the middle of upping my trazadone from 100-150.so this may help even more..Today has def been a good day for me out of all the days gone by. .hope more follow..How are you going Clio..hope you are getting better sleep.

30-04-13, 17:16
So pleased for you, just try to remember if you not to as good one day that that's normal when you have depression so don't be to hard on yourself.

My sleep is ok, it's not taking hours now to drop off, at the worse 2 hours that's not often. I still wake up during night but can usually get straight back off.
I'm still not good in morning I prob wake 7ish but that's to early for me to get up so fall back to sleep till about 10. Still takes about hour or so to come round, but I've never been a morning person grumpy.

Been to psych today for check up appointment,she was pleased with me so far.
I'm not there yet,about 50% and I still get anxious but that's me I've had anxiety 30 years so it's in me but peaks in crisis.

Take care x

30-04-13, 17:50
Good to hear Clio.sounds like your having some possitive results two..really pleased for you to..hope we continue to get better..keep me posted..:hugs:

30-04-13, 18:53
Really pleased to hear you're doing so well Greg after the hard times you've had x

30-04-13, 19:13
Glad things are finally improving for you Greg. :)

30-04-13, 19:20
Great news Greg :yesyes: so pleased you are finally getting a good nights sleep. I have slept better the last couple of nights too so long may it continue. It makes so much difference when you can sleep well.

30-04-13, 20:27
Great news about the sleeping Greg, I know it makes so much difference.