View Full Version : Stomach/Intestine issue

30-04-13, 15:32
So, I have had a lot of issues with my stomach since late last year, well it feels to me like my stomach.

First of all, I am 42 with no history of colon cancer in my family on either side, yet it is my main fear right now. I have been, for the past 8 months or so, had on again off again recurring pain in a very specific spot, about 3-4 inches to the left of my navel. It does seem to be brought on by foods, and often resolved with antacids. That said, it is a pain I have never had before. I have not been diagnosed with IBS and been to the doctor twice about it, but he remains so unconcerned that I have had basically no tests done at this point.

I have no other symptoms, no fever, no weight loss, nothing. I would love this to just be a food issue--cut dairy with no real noticeable effect, but it is worse when I eat a lot of acid etc, and I do get burps on occasion.

Also strange, it seems exacerbated when I drink a hot drink, like the heat transfers into the pain somehow, if that makes any sense. Only for a moment, then it is gone.

I will go a day or two with no pain, then it will show up. It doesn't usually persist that long, then it leaves. I have not been able to tie it to a specific food or food type.

I am really working myself into a tailspin about this, and wish I could just take the doctor's lack of concern as reassurance, rather than thinking he is incompetent. He really is a good doctor, so I should trust him, but I just cannot help but think "I am the exception" and that something terrible is going on inside me right now...

01-05-13, 02:25
So, feeling a little better as there has been only a little pain early today. Do you suppose it is safe to assume cancer would hurt all the time?

I so hate feeling this obsessed with what is probably, almost certainly nothing. Ugh.