View Full Version : Blood results

30-04-13, 20:49
Well I had a full blood test last week, which came back high blood sugar and mildly abnormal liver function tests. I had a high gamma gt count and I don't drink, got to have it repeated in 4 weeks am now worried sick that my liver is diseased. Has anyone else ever had high gamma gt and they don't drink? :weep:

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------

Anyone :(

30-04-13, 22:23
Has your Dr asked you to have the test repeated in a few weeks to see if it goes back to normal as this is what I would expect to happen. If its still abnormal then they usually send you for an ultrasound of your liver/gallbaldder/pancreas.

Different raised enzymes point to different possible problems as in gallstones that are causing a blockage raise some enzymes whereas problems with your pancreas raise others. Fatty liver can raise same ones as overuse of alcohol etc etc and in alot of cases no cause can be found!

I have a friend who has persistantly raised liver enzymes and no reason has ever been found so its just normal for him.

Have you been taking any anti fungal tablets in past 6 months or any other medication as alot of meds can cause wonky liver tests?

01-05-13, 10:56
Hi I have to be retested in 4 weeks. I am currently prescribed lyrica, mirtazipine and propranolol, but the gp has changed me to paroxetine. I am trying to come off he lyrica slowly then the mirtazipine then hopefully changed by next week, but I am worried sick all the time. I have also had a chest infection that has knocked me about. I just think I am dying all the time. Thanks for taking the time to reply xx

01-05-13, 11:35
My liver function test was abnormal when i had my bloods done a few months ago. It was my alt that was raised. My gp scared me by doing further bloods for hepatitis etc and sent me for an an ultrasound. The ultrasound was fine and nothing was seen and my gp referred me to a gastroenterologist who i saw 2 weeks ago. He has done even further bloods and he said it could just be with medication. I havent had the blood results yet. All this made my anxiety worse and i convinced myself i had liver cancer etc and nothing has been found and it can just be with medication so try not to worry too much if you can.

01-05-13, 12:14
Lyrica and mitrazapine particularly can cause abnormal liver results so the chances are your medication is hammering your liver which is why your Dr wants you off lyrica and has changed you from mitrazapine.

I would't be at all surprised if now you are of mitrazapine your next results are improved.