View Full Version : Why do i have all kinds of worries??

30-04-13, 20:53
I'm new to this forum and more especially i'm new to my new illness. I was diagnosed of depression and anxiety 4 weeks ago, after visiting my doctor after 2 weeks of sleepless nights. He put me on citalopram and clonazapem. I was also told i more likely to get depression due to my family history (with my dad, my grandmother, my aunt, 2 uncles and 2 cousins suffering it, i start to believe that's maybe true). I'm worried about all kinds of things...not necessarily get a panic attack from them, but those thoughts are just bothering me so much.
- i'm worried i won't be able to sleep later on if I stop taking the clonazapm
- I'm worried i won't be able to get off that so-called-super-addictive drug
- I'm worried I won't get back to my old self
- I'm worried by the fact that's I'm always so worried!!! :scared15:

Is that normal? has anyone experience that as well? badly needing help.

01-05-13, 14:28
ok the more you worry about sleep the worse it will be, so you might have disturbed sleep, when i can not sleep i watch a movie on my mobile phone with the sound off, so not to wake my husband and i always fall asleep while watching something, you could try easy sleep tea by clipper, and try getting into a routine in regards to going to bed and waking up this really helps
ok not sure which drug you are meaning prozac maybe, i am on fluoxtine 20mg and i have gone off it a couple of time and did not find it hard to do so, so not as addictive as you might think
you will get back to you but we all worry about that time will see you return to your old self
worry leads to worry this is part of the depression speaking the meds will help ease your worry greatly and it will no longer be the major element of your life
good luck