View Full Version : Left sided 'weakness'

25-09-06, 08:46
For the last few weeks I've noticed a feeling of weakness in my left leg and arm. My leg feels shaky like it can't support my weight, it just feels weird. I keep testing it to see if it's getting weaker, ditto for the arm. They don't seem to be weaker when i test them, i.e. lifting things, but when I go for a run my left leg starts to tire quicker and both my arm and leg get achy and unsteady. Also the left side of my face often feels weird.
I've suffered from health anxiety for many years now and am worried that this is a symptom of ALS or something similar.

Has anyone else had anything like this before?

I've been on here before to look for reassurance when the left side of my face felt weird, but now it's the leg and arm I'm getting really worried.



25-09-06, 14:49
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the pm I'm here if you wanna chat. Never feel alone we are all here for each other.

Take Care


25-09-06, 16:17

You poor thing, I have suffered with this for over 18 months now. Had every test under the sun as thought I had had a stroke, MS, brian tumour - the lot !!! Every test comes back negative. Can only put it down to anxiety yet I get it even when I'm not anxious.

Good luck


25-09-06, 19:21
i have this alot, i have been told it is a type of harmless neuralgia caused and made worse by anxiety and stress. it is a horrible sensation


07-10-06, 16:22
get exactly the same thing, but just in my left shoulder and arm......sometimes i deal withj it OK, and others i am scared witless of a heart attack. havin a CT scan at the end of this month as the end of a series of tests that have all come back negative.....
i feel for ya, but best thing to do is exercise it lightly and make sure you dont sit/lie in bad positions as that doesnt help at all

Sheik N Shimmy
09-10-06, 12:32
I've had the left arm 'weakness' and it went when I started to relax again. I noticed at the time that if I was picking up the phone with my left hand that sometimes I had to concentrate or I'd miss the phone and grab something else [Oops!]

It's all fine now except if I'm feeling stressed out when it returns a bit.


Keep On Keepin On

09-10-06, 12:45
I have left sided weakness too - my arm and leg. They can ache a lot too. When I went to a chiropractor, she said that my left side was a lot tenser than my right side. Thus, the muscle tension causes fatigue on that side and can also contribute towards the pain.

Are you right handed? I beleive that it has affected my left side more because that side is naturally weaker than my right - might explain why a lot of people get left sided weakness rather than right.

Jo xx

09-10-06, 12:53
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm actually left handed but the weird thing is that my right arm and leg are actually slightly more muscled, my right bicep has always been bigger than my left. My mum who's also left handed also has more muscle in her right-arm than her left so maybe it's genetic. Added to this weirdness is the fact that although my right limbs have more muscle, my left side is actually stronger so lord knows what that means.

Anyway regardless of a physical explanation it is reassuring that other people have experienced something similar (although obviously not great for any of us!).
I suppose focussing and worrying about certain limbs can cause muscle tension in those limbs which can mess up blood flow etc and cause feelings of weakness/aching?


01-07-08, 17:09
Hi I have had odd sensations down my left hand side on and off for over 10 years. seen gp and neurologist. i feel ill and unsteady and anxious but all tests are negative. its reassurring to hear others heve similar problems as I really was stargting to believe i am the onl one in the world!!

david h
21-12-08, 16:33
hi all - just found this website and this particular thread and wish to share my current experiences. A year ago (nov 07) i started getting very mild pain but more a niggling sensation behid my left knee cap and just below it. I would massage it but to no avail. This sensation stayed with me for a while and then became more distinct. Didnt appear better or worse during exercise. Then six months ago i noticed that my leg felt a lot weaker and that my balance didnt seem right. Getting up at 3am to put the cat out, the simple act of rushing out of bed meant that i would be very unsteady on my feet typically banging into things. I now find a year later that i had a consistent discomfort in my left knee, sharp pains radiating from it and when walking, my left heel becomes sore. I wopuld describe my left leg as shaky and weak and now i have the same sensations in my left arm. Holding my two year old son above my head, i always feel that my left arm will go anytime. I now wake up with a weak sensation on my left and during this time my eyesight has deterioated as well so on the whole a right bundle of laughs. Been to doctor who has put a lot of this down to stress (faor enough job is crazy) but the symptoms of weakness and pain are increasing so now referred to a neurologist and quite scared. Welcome any advice and thanks for reading my novel !

25-12-08, 17:27
:ohmy: HI Have similair problems, started with what I thought was scatica in March but it turns out its not. My right leg is totally weak and my knee aches. Under a neurologist, had an mri on brain and spine both fine, had vast amount of blood tests all negative. Then in Oct left arm started to ache,tingle, get like burning sensations in my left leg and my right arm is now aching. Had a crap year lots of stress could it really be that that is causing the aching im so tense its untrue and not sleeping very well. But coming on here and reading that other people feel the same and it could be anxiety is amazing. Back to see the neurologist in Feb for a nervous conduction test.
Am willing to try anything as hate taking medication, oh and the neurologist his advice was to Vit b12.
Thanks for listening

26-12-08, 00:42
After reading your posts i think you could have written it for me.
Ive had all the same symptoms as you too and my gp has made an appt with a neurologist in feb 09...which im terrified of going too.
But i also get slight numbness to on the left side of my face and arn too sometimes...not really numb but a numbish feeling (sorry its hard to explain)....but this seems to subside too when im more relaxed and when ive managed to take my mind of things somehow it goes away a lot.
Take care

agent orange
26-12-08, 17:16
i have odd sensations like the one decribed by milly54, i have had an mri, blood tests and nothing-all clear.
i think it therefore must be anxiety.

28-12-08, 01:27
I think pretty much every poster who has this worry regarding weakness is using the term of 'feeling weak'!

The physical sensation of feeling weak is an incredibly common sensation that is often somatic in nature or the result of physical anxiety. Both of these scenarios obviously mean that you do not have an organic medical complaint.

Regarding ALS & MND, we may be scared that a feeling of weakness is the first sign that we are developing this disease but the GP and/or neurologist is not really in the least interested in your 'feeling' of weakness. If you are suffering from anxiety and/or somatic ailments your perspective and judgment on such bodily matters is totally out of kilter.

The GP/neurologist is looking for objective clinical weakness and this sort of weakness is easy to spot...it involves the inability to use motor function and it is not a vague wishy washy 'I feel weak' sort of thing, it is the inability to pick up your car keys, do up your buttons or open the coffee jar...most neurologists will suspect an ALS diagnosis within a minute or two of the patient presenting as the loss of motor function and subsequent weakness is so marked and so obvious.

Another thing to bear in mind. Physical anxiety effects all of our nervous system whilst MND/ALS & MS actually effect different nervous systems. ALS/MND is a disease that is defined by the death of muscles horn cells and the result is clear and marked CLINICAL OBJECTIVE weakness, issues such as buzzing, vibrating, parathesia and all that other weird and wonderful sensory stuff is exactly that, sensory and is in no way equatable to an ALS/MND diagnosis.

Hope that helps.

28-12-08, 02:24
Thanks for that Itoldyouiwasill, YOur posts are usually very reassuring...

I have been through, still going through I would say the muscle twitching. This doesn't realy worry me anymore after reading your posts also. But Now it has progressed, well I'm hoping it is only the progression of my anxiety symptoms to left sided weird feelings. No real weakness or pain , but just feel funny on my left side. Mainly in left side of face and shoulder, and left leg with very tight lower left back muscles. ( Lumbar region i think they call it ) So if it's no tthe degenerative stuff like you say, it leaves me thinking what is it. Just anxiety, I hope so. But saying that isn't really acceptng it as anxiety thus is a road block to my recovery.

I think what a lot of ppl are trying to figure out is what are the early signs of MND or ALS. It's not like you wake up and all of a sudden you cant use your hand etc.. Or does it work like that. It's the limited knowledge we have about these diseases that probably scares us the most. The unknown aspects.

When i think about it, no where have i read, ( when i was googling ) that an early symptom wil be weird feelings or sensations with percieved weakness followed by actual weakness and atrophy.

But suffering frm a health anxiety and my sensations being one sided I'm also thinking brain tumor now.. Stupid really, but you know what it's like.
Could just be bad posture at home and/or work.. Who knows....

I sent you a private message also :)


02-01-09, 15:05
Thank you for the replies, been to the doctors over the xmas break, due to burning in my hands, she advised me it is caused by tension, and to take NSAID and to hold my head and place my chin on my chest for a count of 10 and to hold my head first to the left then to the right. It works and has reduced the burning to almost nothing. So would recommend it.Just wish they would sort my leg, I think this again is caused by anxiety and holding it funny when I walk causes the rest of my body to tense.Go myself a set of mini bike pedals trying to use them daily to keep leg mobile.Got to stay postive.:huh:

04-10-09, 20:46
I know this is an old post but I have been having all the same symptoms and fears as many of the people that have posted on this thread. I keep telling myself that I am fine and this is anxiety but I would love to hear from any of the posters to see how things turned out. I keep having left sided weakness and an odd tingling on part of the left side of my face. I am quite worried and would love some reassurance. Thanks

17-12-09, 20:21
I believe when you have been right handed all of your life and I am 51 years old, it will cause your left side to be weaker. I have started trying on purpose to use my left hand to brush my teeth, pick up things, open the door left handed, etc. I try to let my right hand just rest and relax. I believe the left side of your brain controls what goes on when you use the right side of your body and vise versa. The muscles in my left neck and all the way down to my left knee are more tense than the right side and harder to get relaxed. Using my left hand on purpose has made a difference for me. I hope I can be persistent in trying to train the muscles in my left side to be more useful. It will feel weird to start with and it is even more weird trying to write left handed when you have been right handed all of your life. I also believe this will also balance both sides of the brain to work together in muscle coordination and function.

Star 52
19-12-09, 17:40
I'm so glad I've found this thread. On Nov 14th I felt my left foot go icy cold and then my left leg get tingly and shaky, then I collapsed. Since then I've been off my work, I'm totally exhausted and sleep all the time. Now I seem to have weakness in my right arm and leg, then sometimes my left. I'm so scared. I've seen my GP and she says I should take anti depressants, but for the first time in my life I was feeling good, as I just got engaged 3 weeks before this happened. I saw a neurologist last week who says she thinks its severe exhaustion but that she wants to rule out anything with an MRI scan from top to toe. I'm terrified as I'm really chlostrophobic as I got stuck in a scanner about 20 years ago and I can't imagaine I'm going to be able to get the scan done without major panic. I can't believe this weakness is due to stress but now I've read these replies, looks like it might be. This morning I thought I was having a stroke and was terrified. Has anyone got advice how to get this scan done without major panic. I feel so alone. Thanks for reading this.

06-08-10, 07:39
I have left foot and left hand paining moderately since about 8 months. Also all left side from forehead to the toe feels weaker... I feel there should be no worry after reading above responses.. An year and a half before, I underwent all the tests CT-MRI etc, all of them negative. These tests were done when I fell unconcious once. I took homeopathic medicine and stopped worrying.

02-12-10, 20:56
I too have recently started with left sided weakness of the body. It stemmed from a holiday whet I became I'll. After that I have headaches facial pain which have become worse. I woke up one morning to find my left side feeling weird. My left arm, pinky finger felt tingling and weaker also did my leg and side of face. This has led to numets panic attacks over worries of a serious health condition. I have been to the doctor several times prescribing medication for migraines.
At present my arm, leg and face of left side have odd feeling, of feeling weaker. This has led to me worry inserting anxiety which is making the symptoms worse. I am just worried it is something serious and therefore owill be attending my doctors tomorrow.
It's quite reassuring to find others out there that are feeling the same way. It's scaring me silly plus I'm becoming worried scared when leavin places of comfort I.e. Work, home fearing something bad id going to happen out of my control.

I am very scared and don't know what to do. I am only 25 years of age and panicking as we speak.

03-12-10, 02:28
I just started a post similiar to this. I experience a feeling in my upper left arm and shoulder during times of anxiety that almost feels like I was just lifting weights with that arm. Kinda weak and a little sore. It has caused a great deal of worry for me over the past month. I have an apt with a cardiologist in January to make sure there is no heart issue, But I have had a EKG and blood work done which came up negative for any heart issues. I really think its anxiety related because the more i think about it the more it hurts. When i experience the sensation in my arm the rest of my body is ussualy tense as well (back and neck).

PS. Emma I know what you are going through, I have had alot of fear leaving my house this past week due to the feeling in my left arm. Well get through this!

18-06-12, 11:15
Hi all,

I have been suffering with this feeling for over a year now. My left side feels weak, although I still walk, play guitar, play football etc. It is with me 24/7 but waxes and wanes, bothering me more sometimes than at others. Having seen a GP, neurologist, 2 different clinical pyschologists, they all say it is anxiety causing this, although I still sometimes question this.

I wanted to know or hear back from anyone on here who has suffered similar problems and for whom their symptoms have decreased or gone completely. I always question whether it will go away & sometimes lose hope! Any techniques, advice, tips would be so much appreciated.

Would be greatful for replies as I'm going through some tough times at present.



18-06-12, 12:22
Paul when your left leg feels weak does it seems like it will not support u?

18-06-12, 12:34
it supports me, it just feels weak. I can still stand on the ball of my foot etc, climb stairs and walk

18-06-12, 18:04
Yes i understand. In the morning today it felt like it would not support mr. Now after taking xanax i'm jumping on that leg. Usually it feels more weak when in bed or standing. When running jumping it feels beyter

21-06-12, 23:13
wow I am having this exact same thing right now. my left hand just does not feel right and when i go for a walk, my legs seem to tire and ache in my calves. most disconcerting though is my left/hand arm. it just doesn't feel right. i have had this kind of thing before and it went away so I am just hoping that it does again. it's crazy when you are so focused on having als, you start to hope that it is only "ms" - how "crazy" is that???

typically with my anxiety, I focus on one thing/disease for a long period of time. this year (since March) it has been different in that I have been hopping around from one thing to another. in march I thought I had a brain tumour finally got a c-t scan in early april and all was fine. then just within the last few weeks I have been back to worrying about my heart (palpitations/chest pain etc) - interestingly all of the other symptoms that went with my headaches (dizziness, some left sided weak feelings etc) went away (or I should say that I forgot about them). Now, this week, i am back to this thing with my hand and my left side - I have not thought about heart stuff at all and have not had any of these kind of symptoms.

somehow this gives me hope that all of this is in my head.

we will press on. I just wish my brain didn't always think the worst.

23-06-12, 10:11
I'm still struggling with this left leg. I've had this feeling of it getting tired an ache in my calve (most worrying is that its only the left one). Also I have a slight pain behind the knee (on of the tendons)...not sure what to think :(

Marc V
18-06-13, 06:30
David how are things for you now? I am experiencing very similar weakness in left leg and am a bit weak in arm as well. This is the second time this has occurred in a year. I am a little worried cause I fell from a tree years ago and may have some long term problems coming to haunt me .

---------- Post added at 05:30 ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 ----------

Please updade me with any of your findings or progression. I'm new to this site and joined specifically because of my left sided weakness

17-08-13, 10:07
Hi. I'm new here and randomly stumbled upon this thread while browsing older threads around the 50th page of the HA-section. For me this is symptom is right sided, but very very much similar to many of you in this thread. And that has calmed me down a lot. :) The symptoms have been feeling of weakness on my right arm and leg and also the right side of my face. They have been changing from better to worse and back. On some days the leg feels stiff and like I'd have to put extra effort for it to work properly.

I'm 24 and I've been through a couple of bad anxious phases during the last 5 years or something and they usually have lasted for something like 2-6 months. I've recently seen my doctor and after some basic neurological tests she told me it's probably anxiety. I've always had quite strong physical symptoms from anxiety

During the next couple of days after finding this thread my symptoms have decreased noticeably. And that is big since I've been very hopeless and worried for a couple of months, especially the last couple of weeks. The symptoms obviously haven't suddenly disappeared completely but of course I don't expect them to. I've had a hard time trying to get the symptoms off my mind and usually when I start thinking about them they seem worse.

I'd very much like to hear more from any of you who are experiencing or have experienced these symptoms.

Also as a new user I'd see this thread useful in the thread with different symptoms in the symptoms-section. And since most of us are so stressed about different kind of symptoms I'd say that a sticky "common symptoms" would also fit the HA-section.

28-10-13, 12:57
Amazing to find this thread as it explained exactly what I have started experiencing two weeks ago. First it was a one off episode but yesterday it happened again. I wasn't anxious or rushing around, I was just sitting at the movies watching a film! The idea of knowing that it's a "common" thing made me feel a bit better, but I have to say that I went to bed / woke up and today I am still feeling some of the symptoms (weird sensation on the left side of my face, pressure on top of my head - left sided as well, weak left arm) Anyway, I have found a couple of exercises online which I will try to see if they help. Thanks for all the posts, makes me feel a bit less alone while going through this. J

12-10-14, 17:21
I have this problem as well. I am left handed. I've been having this for about 2 weeks. I've had a CT scan and an mri both were fine. Having an emg done this week but I had one a few years back and it was fine. I'm kinda worried and scared that it could be some kind of cancer. Not sure if it's a back issue. I'm just scared, I'm 31 year old male. Yea I'm overweight and I'm not add active as i use to be. I just want answers because I'm so tired of feeling like this. It really feels like everyday is something new. I've also had blood and heart tests, all fine. Ugh

12-10-14, 20:23
Same is happening to me. Started out of the blue last Tuesday. Walking in my room then felt weakness in my left leg, like I was still able to walk but felt like my leg had a mind of it's own throwing me off balance a little. My left arm also feels the same way. I also get this pressure in my head on the left side as well. I went to the hospital that Thursday because I thought I was having a stroke. They had me do things like (smile, stick out my tongue, lift my left leg) basically all thing I wouldn't have been able to do if I had a stroke. Then they gave me a CT Scan, and that was normal. Like I told the Doc it doesn't happen all the time but when it does I either stop for a few seconds or blow right through it until it goes a way. I'll be making an appointment for the neurologist, just to rule out everything. I'm just worried.

01-06-16, 22:16
I registered on this forum after seeing this post. I'm happy to see others are suffering with me... but also saddened because this totally sucks! :weep:

For me I first experienced it about 6-7 months ago. Looking back, I now realize it was a very stressful time for me- OCD flaring up if I recall correctly. Today this sensation is back and also worse than it has been- wondering if it's because of a very stressful evening and then not a good night of sleep...

Anyway, like many of you have said- it's hard to describe the sensation. I told my doctor my leg feels dumb at times. Like... numb or weak, but it's not actually numb or weak. Almost like my limb is just there, but not attached... not ready to use... feel... but it definitely can be used. I can feel. No actual numbness. Today it has affected my arm and leg, but more so my arm. After reading this and staying busy, the sensation has gotten better. lol

Hard thing for me is having health OCD... I get a weird sensation and I convince myself it's something bad.

I will probably still talk to my doctor about this further at my physical this year. But especially after reading this I'm feeling more optimistic that this is a physical symptom of stress / anxiety.

04-12-16, 14:21
i have this alot, i have been told it is a type of harmless neuralgia caused and made worse by anxiety and stress. it is a horrible sensation


I know this is a very old post, but this is what I'm currently dealing with too and your response makes me feel better.

---------- Post added at 09:21 ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 ----------

wow I am having this exact same thing right now. my left hand just does not feel right and when i go for a walk, my legs seem to tire and ache in my calves. most disconcerting though is my left/hand arm. it just doesn't feel right. i have had this kind of thing before and it went away so I am just hoping that it does again. it's crazy when you are so focused on having als, you start to hope that it is only "ms" - how "crazy" is that???

typically with my anxiety, I focus on one thing/disease for a long period of time. this year (since March) it has been different in that I have been hopping around from one thing to another. in march I thought I had a brain tumour finally got a c-t scan in early april and all was fine. then just within the last few weeks I have been back to worrying about my heart (palpitations/chest pain etc) - interestingly all of the other symptoms that went with my headaches (dizziness, some left sided weak feelings etc) went away (or I should say that I forgot about them). Now, this week, i am back to this thing with my hand and my left side - I have not thought about heart stuff at all and have not had any of these kind of symptoms.

somehow this gives me hope that all of this is in my head.

we will press on. I just wish my brain didn't always think the worst.

I am experiencing the same. Hoping and wishing this is all just anxiety and trying to convince myself. Difficult thing to do.

09-01-17, 16:16
This morning the sensation is back... bad enough that it's concerning me. I remembered this thread and thought I'd report back.
So, this morning I don't recall feeling this way until maybe an hour or two ago- hasn't been since I woke up. I had quite a bit of bad anxiety this morning, and was woken up a bit earlier to text messages and phone calls that our phones were down at work. Also I was building furniture last night, along with watching a pretty important game which got me all excited. The last 24 hours have perhaps been more stressful than normal- so here's to hoping that's all it is... stress induced whatever I'm dealing with.

Still worried about MS or other problems- but that's my nature to worry. :wacko:

Oh and for what's going on- my left arm feels heavy and uncoordinated. I feel like my fingers are dumb and unable to function as well as I'd want them to. My left leg feels similar, however my leg has had pain, what I feel might be sciatic nerve pain... from the buttock down to the back of my calf area. When I challenge the coordination of my fingers, they perform fine, but feels slightly challenging.

Lastly- I drink alcohol every night- pretty sure I'm self medicating as it got more frequent after quitting Xanax 2 years ago. Perhaps I'm poisoning myself with that.

09-01-17, 18:32
Hi OCDintheUSA

Im new to the site as joined it to get some help and advice for my partner. Your post caught my attention and wanted to send you a wee message.

I suffer with both M.S and anxiety and from what you have said it sounds me to me that you have over done it in the last 24hours. If I was you I would try and rest as much as possible.


11-01-17, 19:34
Hi OCDintheUSA

Im new to the site as joined it to get some help and advice for my partner. Your post caught my attention and wanted to send you a wee message.

I suffer with both M.S and anxiety and from what you have said it sounds me to me that you have over done it in the last 24hours. If I was you I would try and rest as much as possible.


Thanks for the comment. This morning I woke up and felt fine. Later in the morning I became very anxious about some things, and I've begun feeling the symptoms return. Today even worse, but then again today my anxiety and stress is worse. :wacko:

11-01-17, 23:39
I'll drop my two cents on here as well. For the entire time I've dealt with anxiety, I've had feelings of weakness and fatigue throughout many periods of anxiousness but nothing that was so centered. For the past year or so (due to anxiety about death, illness, etc resurfacing) I've had on and off right sided feelings of weakness and fatigue. It goes from collarbone down to hand, and from pelvis/hip joint down to ankle. Like everyone has stated, it's not necessarily a feeling of weakness but more so it's just weird. Like a sort of empty/hollow/dumb/nervous/tingly/heavy/fatigued feeling. It's bizarre. There's a feeling of disjointedness with the limbs themselves but so far all strength tests I've done have been clean and without issue (even if my brain sometimes tries to convince me I'm weaker even though real weakness would mean total failure not like "oh I'm tired because I've been hopping on my toes on one foot for the past minute"). Anxiety can do some strange things to the mind. As soon as I got on Paxil almost a year ago the symptoms went away slowly one by one (my muscle twitching even slowed down to an almost halt with some random popping here and there) and since getting off it about four weeks ago, all the symptoms I was so fearful of came back with a vengeance along with the obsessions with illness. If that doesn't prove that our brains are wrecking balls unchained I don't know what does. But of course, I'm still freaked and what iffing myself into a frenzy.

Getting back on my meds tomorrow after an appointment with my gp because some of us are just too prone to somatic anxiety for comfort I think.

03-02-17, 03:33
Wow I'm glad I just stumbled across this thread. For the last few months I've been getting that "weak" feeling in my left arm and left leg. But they are not weak. I'll do some squats or pushups and I have no issue, but I still have that feeling. I'm also getting a little twitching in my left leg now. I've been to the doctor a couple of times and they've done all the usual stroke tests and they are all negative. Nothing wrong with me. It almost always comes with stress but it's been happening more often lately. I'm also getting lightheaded now. Someone gave me a Zanax once and the symptoms went away, but I don't want to start taking that. Strenuous exercise also helps.

As everyone on here knows, it's a scary feeling. But it does make me feel better to see that I'm not the only one :). So I thought I'd share.

16-04-17, 20:17
I had the same thing, this came on suddenly for me.

I was admitted to neurological department after having full paralysis that lasted for an hour. With multiple tests i was diagnosed with functional limb weakness or functional neurological disorder

18-04-17, 08:50
Hello everyone. I've been trying to fight coming off this site for a while but had to come back on. It's funny, I stumbled across this thread at the same time I came on to discuss right-sided 'weakness'.

My weakness is more of a shoulder weakness, i.e. lifting the entire limb. However it sort of stems from my back. Have you ever had to stretch when waking up? That sensation you get during and just after your stretch is what I constantly feel in the neck/underarm/shoulder area.

It gives me perceived weakness but it also tires my arm out faster. I also get this in my right leg and starting to get it in my left arm too now. Could this really be anxiety? It is 24/7 and not 'only when feeling anxious'. I've had it for over four months now.

18-04-17, 17:05
I'm 22. I experienced many physical symptoms ever since my anxiety got worse. I was always an anxious person but this time I felt like I was losing it. I've had this too. It happened in my left calf and forearm after a full body tremor. It lasted for about two weeks and a half, then it moved to my right calf, where it stayed for about three weeks.
It was really scary, as I startedd to google and panic about horrible neurological diseases. For a while I had it only when tryimg to sleep or rest, it got better a few hours after waking up. Then I felt it all the time for a while. The feeling in my forearm was most present in the morning and almost gone in the evening. I now get mild buzzing in my left foot, which worries me once again. I also have some urinary disconfort and twitches all over. I started CBT, it helped a bit
I am also taking pills based on natural ingredients, such as valerian and passiflora
They do not make it all go away but they help me a lot.
To all of you who are struggling, I wish you well and know that there's a way (even if bumpy) to recovery. Never lose hope.

01-11-17, 04:06
I'm glad I found this thread. I've been experienced this strange "weakness/fatigue/hollowness/awkwardness" on my right side with my hand/arm and my foot/leg. It comes and goes, but I usually can feel it, even if it's mild at that particular time. Sometimes, it has felt like it's gone altogether.

Sadly, I have spent hours and hours examining myself for any asymmetry that would show atrophy, and of course I've found dents, bumps, and other asymmetrical features on my body.

But something I've learned is that these terrible diseasesI fear, namely, ALS and brain tutors, aren't usually that subtle. And certainly after a few months, things usually get a lot worse. But there are usually something that you can't just ignore and interfere with your daily life. Also, weakness is really a lack of function, You can't do something you did before. It isn't just a feeling or something you can perceive but can do everything as normal.

I've been to my doctor twice, she's done basic neuro testing on me as well as blood tests, and said that she doesn't see a reason to send me to a neurologist right now. Sometimes when my wife sees me at the kitchen table examining my hands for differences she suggests I just go to a neuro. But I think instinctively I know that is a waste of time and money. At least I hope it is. I'm probably also a little afraid that I might find out my fears are true.

I do think maybe I have something going on with my one my hands, maybe a carpel tunnel or something that makes it a little bit slower that my right. But that also could just be a feeling that isn't backed up by reality.

I still don't have weakness in the sense of loss of function anywhere, even if my leg feels slow or my hand does. All my body parts still work. For that I'm grateful.

12-11-17, 16:12
Hi i posted back in 2010. I had some respite from the weird left sided weak feelongs for about 4 years. However they have come back with a vengence. Seen gp and Neuro again. More mri and ct scans of brain and spine and nothing found. I am so fed up and feel no-one inderstands. Feel so ill sometimes and docs dont know why so feel fobbed off. Its good to know others understand

12-11-17, 16:22
Hi i posted back in 2010. I had some respite from the weird left sided weak feelongs for about 4 years. However they have come back with a vengence. Seen gp and Neuro again. More mri and ct scans of brain and spine and nothing found. I am so fed up and feel no-one inderstands. Feel so ill sometimes and docs dont know why so feel fobbed off. Its good to know others understand

Have they tested you for Lyme disease?