View Full Version : Stomach/bowel/pancreas fear....

30-04-13, 21:59
Hello all.

Struggling so much to keep a lid on things (my anxiety/health anxiety) and really could do with some advice/perspective.

I’ve had for about a week a very uncomfortable stomach. It’s been like having a prickly ball around my belly button area but I’ve also had cramps moving around my lower abdomen. Nothing crippling, just an ongoing discomfort that is really beginning to frighten me. At times, it feels like I’ve pulled a muscle just to the left of my belly button – it feels quite muscular but other times, it’s like I’m about to have a bout of diarrhea but it never comes to that.

I went to the docs back in December with similar symptoms and he said it was most likely down to my anxiety and was likely IBS related, but as usual, I can’t seem to get it through my head that this could be simply the same thing this time round. Someone mentioned pancreas cancer to me last week and I’m terrified that’s what this is…even though I’ve not got any red flag signs (weight loss, blood in stools, loss of appetite etc).

I’ve been having quite a stressful time at the moment (we’re expecting our second child in July and my wife has been having episodes of borderline depression, although she’s coping well) I’ve been stressing like hell about her and doing the majority of the running around, looking after our son and trying to carry on at work without anyone knowing about my HA.

I’m waiting on a date for the start of my CBT and would feel a bit stupid crawling back to the doctors with symptoms of a stomach upset – but I just can’t get this fear out of my head that it could be some form of cancer.

I know this sounds ridiculous but I pray it’s IBS related – if anyone has had similar symptoms as I have that also suffer from IBS, I’d be very grateful to hear - I just need some level headed words. And please, please, please do not post what the symptoms for pancreas cancer are…it would send me over the edge!!

Thanks for all ongoing support,


30-04-13, 22:19
I have known a few people with pancreatic cancer and to be honest if you had these symptoms back in September and they were due to this you would be extremely ill or dead by now. Pancreatic cancer is fast and furious.
Blood in stool I have never heard of as being a pancreatic cancer one. the most common symptom is pain in your back, shoulder blade level worse on leaning backwards and improves on leaning forward and also jaundice or sudden diabetes. I know someone whose cancer was flagged up by a routine liver function test that was haywire and further tests found the cancer so none of your symptoms fit this one bit.
Have you told your GP of your fears. He could do simple liver function and or pancreas enzymes blood test and or send you for ultrasound if this would help your anxiety???

30-04-13, 22:23
Yeah, when I put that bit in my OP about not really wanting the low-down on pancreatic cancer symptoms...

Thanks for your reply nevertheless.

30-04-13, 22:28
Huge huge apologies - I missed reading that last sentence in your post as I was trying to read all the post fast.

All I can say is you don't have any symptoms of it and hope that can offer a little reassurance but once again so sorry I messed up.

30-04-13, 22:30
Not at all, I appreciate your reply in the first place .

I just need to try and get some perspective...

30-04-13, 22:39
Not at all, I appreciate your reply in the first place .

I just need to try and get some perspective...

:whistles::whistles: Don't we all!

01-05-13, 13:39
Is there anyone who has had similar symptoms??