View Full Version : Bedtime

30-04-13, 22:11
Does anyone else fear going to bed? Either because you don't sleep well and know that you will be laying there for ages feeling anxious and worried or because you often wake with panic attacks?

I'm so tired but I can't stand going to bed for another crappy night's sleep!

30-04-13, 22:12
Im the same at times. I dread it one day because i know i will lay there and analyise everything and on the other hand when im so drained from worry i just actually fall asleep. What is your main worry if you dont mind me asking?


30-04-13, 22:19
Thanks Katyfitz - it's nice to know it's not just me, although I'm sorry that you experience this!

I don't mind you asking although I'm not sure what the answer is really! A few years ago I was diagnosed with PTSD and used to have terrible nightmares so hated sleeping. I had been getting better until I received some difficult news in Feb. Since then I have been put back on fluoxetine and I'm still riding out the side effects which have made me very anxious at times.

30-04-13, 22:26
Sorry to hear this aliy. Lack of sleep is so hard to deal with!
I would try this but don't have a tv in my bedroom!

30-04-13, 22:38
Have you read Self Help For Your Nerves? Whenever I'm having an anxious night I read the chapter on sleeplessness by torchlight and I wake up still holding the book next morning!

01-05-13, 03:30
I tend to go to bed really early when things are bad, my warped logic being that if I'm asleep I don't feel the depression. But then I wake up in the middle of the night and the problem's still there! I have a cuppa and watch a bit of telly, and end up falling back to sleep in front of it.

01-05-13, 09:51
Have you read Self Help For Your Nerves? Whenever I'm having an anxious night I read the chapter on sleeplessness by torchlight and I wake up still holding the book next morning!

Thanks for the recommendation - I haven't read it so will check it out
J x

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------

I tend to go to bed really early when things are bad, my warped logic being that if I'm asleep I don't feel the depression. But then I wake up in the middle of the night and the problem's still there! I have a cuppa and watch a bit of telly, and end up falling back to sleep in front of it.

Yes I've done this before! My latest is to stay up really late and make myself so exhausted that I will fall asleep when I go to bed - doesn't always work though!
J x

01-05-13, 21:48
I tend to go to bed really early when things are bad, my warped logic being that if I'm asleep I don't feel the depression. But then I wake up in the middle of the night and the problem's still there! I have a cuppa and watch a bit of telly, and end up falling back to sleep in front of it.

I'd do that if I could! I stay up late distracting myself or doing homework, and go to bed so tired I fall asleep right away. I love sleep, I just don't sleep very WELL--I wake up a lot, or I have nightmares, and sometimes falling asleep is hard but it's usually not that much of a problem because I'm so terribly tired all the time. Sleeping so as not to feel used to be my very favorite way of 'dealing with it'--I just don't have time anymore.

01-05-13, 22:21
for all you non sleepers ...ask your Doc for a low dose 15mg MIRTAZAPINE and take one x 15mg tab 2 or 3 hours B4 bedtime and you will go out like a light...if you wake at say,3 or 4 in the morning, you will feel all yummy and just fall asleep again