View Full Version : on going depression

30-04-13, 22:59
i am mum of 3...i cant escape..im loosing my mind..i never get a break..im stuck at home no car...if i go out i get kids tantrums...i get screemed at or asked for constant drinks, food...breaking up squabbles...

i feel mental...my husband comes home..he studys his degree online why i keep kids out of his way whilst going insaine...i tried to do some painting with kids disaster went everywhere all over clothes and table ...arguments....mess...

i keep thinking of going onto a trainline...i am seeing a 'wellbeing advisor' at my local surgery but i have to take 3 kids with me everytime so i cant talk to her properly or tell her how i really feel,...my kids contantly touching dirty doctors door handles and my daughter put her mouth on the surgery entrace and within a few days she had an impatigo rash on her chin..im sure she caught from surgery...i feel insaine...

they just set up 2 pop up tents in the kitchen...i cant take anymore...

to top it off..i sold a bike on ebay and now the person is complaining about it to me...

i just keep eating to deal with the stresss...i wish i could smoke instead!!

01-05-13, 23:19
I wanted to reply to this, especially as no one else has. :weep:

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad right now. Perhaps you can ask someone (eg a relative a friend) to babysit your children while you go to your therapy sessions? In this way, you'll feel more focused and able to discuss your concerns freely.

You're on citalopram aren't you? (If I recall correctly from your previous threads). If you are still feeling this bad, I'd strongly recommend speaking to your doctor so they can adjust your dose or even try you on a different medication. Especially if you are getting thoughts of going on to a trainline - once you get the medication which suits you and it's fully in your system, it should reduce these sorts of thoughts. If you are feeling really desperate, you can ask for an emergency appointment.

Take care and let me know how you get on. :hugs: