View Full Version : do you talk openly about your anxiety or depression

01-05-13, 01:09
just curious

i am very private about my anxiety/panic & depression, i dont tell anyone.

my mum knows i get panic attacks but doesnt know about my anxiety or depression (i dont like to0 much fuss from her)

socially i dont want people to think im mental (stigma etc)

my partner knows(As i live with him)

but i do feel very very alone...maybe thats the worst part of the problem..?

01-05-13, 01:35
I think this is a very personal choice. I hid mine away for such a long time that it became more of an issue trying to be strong and pretending I was ok when actually I was on the verge of imploding. And yes, as you said, it makes you feel very alone.

I made a decision to be open about my condition after a breakdown in 2011. To be honest it was the best thing could have done. Those that cared tried very hard to understand and support me and those that didn't or couldn't understand just kept away. I still feel I made the right choice for me...I don't tell everyone, just those that I feel need to know and I have always said this can happen to anyone, so there really shouldn't be such a stigma attached.

I hope you make the right decision for you. All the best to you.

Kitti :)

01-05-13, 01:59
Im very open about my anxiety/panic now,it took me a long time to be able to talk about it but after doin so it has helped me so much.I was very suprised as to the amount of people that i know that also suffer with anxiety in some shape or form but never talked about it due to either embarressment or the thought that people might think that they are mad.if you feel you are ready to open up about it,try with somebody you feel comfortable and at ease with to start off and it wil become easier and easier!this was the case with me anyway!what helped me the most was being able to hear myself say that what i was feeling were only symptoms of panic and not some horrible life threatening disease!hope this helps in some way!
Take care;)

01-05-13, 03:55
Over the years I have got to know who I can talk to. I used to be able to tell my late mum everything, whereas my dad doesn't know half my problems. My ex girlfriend couldn't deal with my problems so that ended the relationship, and there is hardly anyone else I can talk to so I just keep quiet. The exception is if I meet someone who has had similar problems, because they are the nost understanding.

01-05-13, 10:25
I have always felt very alone with my anxiety problems, my mum and husband know how I am like and are very understanding, but I had never have any sympathy from my older sisters, they always used to say it was stupid to feel like that so I never told them about my anxiety problems because they were making me feel worse about myself. I do not tell people because I fear that they will focusing more on me, and that itself makes my anxiety worse, people asking me constantly if I am OK. I have learned about my problem and use techniques to cope with my fears and when an anxiety attack comes and I am with people I try to ignore and carry on even though inside I feel like I will drop dead any minute, but I try to talk to myself that I will be OK and eventually will pass. I have always kept very reserve about my feelings with people you never know if they will use it against you in the future, in my experience in this world it's hard to trust people, some people are very mean so it's best to keep things to yourself or your very nearest. To me the forums it's the best therapy because you share your feelings with others with the same problem and it there is no judgement.

01-05-13, 16:12
I rarely tell people. When people get to know me well they tend to notice anyway, but I don't like to discuss it even then. I don't tell my parents because I don't want them to feel responsible for my problems or feel guilty about it, that would not help me. But they have realised anyway.

Sonetimes I am very surprised to discover other people who seem well and successful, but also suffer with anxiety and depression like me. There really are a lot of us, just we all keep it to ourselves. I would like to have the courage to be more open, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

01-05-13, 17:13
I wasn't at first. I kept it to my self for about a year...because I was embarrassed. .
Now I tell people. ...you do realise who you true friend's are tho

01-05-13, 18:33
Hi there, I am very open about my anxiety/panic and close friends at work kn

01-05-13, 18:37
I never used to tell anyone either. But now I do talk about it to people I am close to not always in to every little detail of it though. All the people around me know that I have social anxiety aswell as other anxieties and depression. Felt it was easier to be open than to use extra energy hiding now I can use it to fight it.

01-05-13, 21:03
Up until 8 weeks ago I would not talk about it to anyone (though I am sure some of them guessed). Then 8 weeks ago I had a sort of break down, bad depression, anxiety, panic attacks and I told my partner EVERYTHING, also told my sister, parents and kids (grown up) - I am so glad that I did. I have told a couple of close friends as well...... I wouldn't tell just anyone though.

01-05-13, 21:43
I don't tell anyone ANYTHING... but some of my more astute professors have probably figured it out (private arts university, with small classes and a great deal of pressure; I've very publicly lost my grip on the everything-is-fine facade a couple times) and have gently talked around it to me a couple times. My roommate/best friend and her aunt and her parents know because they figured it out & try to help me, but we don't talk about it hardly ever. My family CAN'T know--they believe mental health issues are fake problems for stupid lazy people, that made my adolescence lots of fun--and I'm not close to anyone else. I keep everything under wraps as much as I possibly can.

It's not healthy--I do wish I COULD be open with someone--but it's so hard, and I can't get any help right now anyway so it feels pointless.