View Full Version : bad thoughts coming into my head

01-05-13, 02:15
i cant sleep

does anyone else get bad thoughts come into their head

a few of mine include:

- what will i do when my parents die?

i get bad thoughts of kids running out infront of my car and me hitting them or my own kids getting hit by cars or falling out of windows, or my kids falling of a bridge or being sweapt out to sea...

sometimes i ifeel overwhmed having 3 kids needing eyes in the back of my head and i really panic over their welfare....bad thought keep me awake and make me feel uncomfortable

01-05-13, 02:49
I get bad (intrusive) thoughts day and night, though I blame a lot of mine on my medication. For me, mine include or have included:

Stabbing my family
Stabbing my fiancé
Putting my dog in the oven
Freezing our dog
Jumping out in front of a train
Getting up to go and kill myself

Over time, I've convinced myself I'm a bad person, a psycho, even a killer. I'm planning to stop my medicine though whether it will work I don't know, time will tell.

Good luck, and I seriously hope you are rid of these horrendous thoughts soon. Try Bach's Rescue Pastilles or the drops. They might help you relieve the symptoms naturally, even if it's only for a little bit.

MrsStobe13 x

01-05-13, 19:32
i cant sleep

does anyone else get bad thoughts come into their head

a few of mine include:

- what will i do when my parents die?

i get bad thoughts of kids running out infront of my car and me hitting them or my own kids getting hit by cars or falling out of windows, or my kids falling of a bridge or being sweapt out to sea...

sometimes i ifeel overwhmed having 3 kids needing eyes in the back of my head and i really panic over their welfare....bad thought keep me awake and make me feel uncomfortable

these sound like plain old every day depressive thoughts, negative thoughts.

just try and catch yourself doing it and move on to a POSITIVE thought structure like your kids growing up fine/good with some grandchildren to look forward to

I've had these negative thoughts for most of my life ....it's the black dog of depression I'm afraid, don't feed it

love John

PS oh for the " what will I do when my parents die?" question, I'm afraid there is nothing that can prepare you.

when it DOES happen something inside takes over and you will find yourself able to cope .call it courage call it God ,call it whatever you like but you will manage just fine and quite probably be very calm.
I don't know quite how to explain it but something/someone or our own natural coping mechanisms takes over and manages things for you. You'll see....

16-05-13, 12:54
I feel disgusted to even admit it but I get really really bad intrusive thoughts coming into my head, there so bad that I can't say what they are but I don't mean to get them, I can't control them and I feel guilty over it and angry how do I get rid of them there driving me insane dunno how much more I can take :'(

16-05-13, 13:26
So many of us have these bad and negative thoughts, I tell mine to shut-up and go away. I try to think of a good thought to replace it, or try to remind myself where I am, what i am doing at that precise moment, a bit of mindfulness. It is not easy!

16-05-13, 14:34
i cant sleep

does anyone else get bad thoughts come into their head

a few of mine include:

- what will i do when my parents die?

i get bad thoughts of kids running out infront of my car and me hitting them or my own kids getting hit by cars or falling out of windows, or my kids falling of a bridge or being sweapt out to sea...

sometimes i ifeel overwhmed having 3 kids needing eyes in the back of my head and i really panic over their welfare....bad thought keep me awake and make me feel uncomfortable

I suggest just to notice those thoughts and do nothing about them. Try to be some kind of witness and just watch them. If you manage to do this for a longer period of time they will stop appearing.