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View Full Version : worried that the only option in my head is suicide

mrs way to worried
01-05-13, 07:56
had the worst few days my marriage has fallen apart my anxiety is awful and my mouth cancer symptoms r getting worse every day i have no energy in screaming at the kids i cant get to srr doctor until next wed and my appointment with the specialistis its3 weeks away i don't want to live cause i don't will hear the dreaded c word its inevitable i just cant how e anymore i keep thinking up ways to kill myself i don't wannado this anymore

01-05-13, 08:57
I spent months convinced, no knowing I had mouth cancer and suprise suprise it wasn't.

Don't pre-empt your appointment there are many otehr things your symptoms might be.

01-05-13, 09:02
I agree. Also you said you have children just think how a suicide would affect their lives. DO NOT beat yourself up over snapping at them, I have a 6 year old daughter anf lately I am struggling even to acknowledge her but it will pass. You are understandably worried but being worried doesnt necessarily mean there is something wrong.
Call your doctors again, say you are feeling suicidal and need an appointment now, I can guarantee they will have one for you then, you need to speak to someobe

mrs way to worried
01-05-13, 09:15
the lumps in my cheeks r getting bigger and its all spreading to my tongue,i hate feeling like this i had clear blood work but then got told cancer wont show up on a blood test .i don't like shouting at the kids but 3 under 5 pretty much on my own is just draining one is 6 months old i just hate them seeing me sad all the time

01-05-13, 09:31
Hi. Please take KeeKee's advice and call you GP again, explain how desperate you feel, even better go there and talk to them, you'll be surprised how they can squeeze you in if they want and if you are willing to wait a bit. I went to my GP off the street before few times when I panicked and when they see you distressed uf they have any compassion they'd help. I know how desperate you feel but you don't really want to die, you know that, that's why you are so scared of cancer, like most of us, you are just fed up of being this way. But don't give up!

01-05-13, 10:20
Hi sorry you are feeling so wretched, although actual cancer doesn't show when they take your blood they do see markers that will point to their being a problem that will flag up that you need further investigations.
Please remember that you have loads of glands in your mouth and when you are run down, under stress and anxiety they can become enlarged and this is quite possibly whats happening, what has your dentist said? they are very good at pointing you in the right direction and they would be my first port of call with mouth problems and not so hard to get to see.
Take care

mrs way to worried
01-05-13, 16:27
he said he couldn't frrl any thing weird except swollen salivary glands and couldn't explain y i was getting weird tasting saliva so must be slightly infected so to use mouth wash but its been like this over a year now and its getting worse and worse :( in dreading the specialist

01-05-13, 16:56
I think you need to take a step back and think about a few things here.

This may appear blunt, if so I apologise but:

You have children. Do you honestly think suicide would be in THEIR best interests. As a father of two, I have my anxiety issues, however they are not as scary a thought as what I would do to my children, and not only my children, my wife, my family, my friends if I took my own life.

It's hard I know, but you need to take the advice of a doctor. He has examined your mouth, and ruled out cancer. A doctor will know what mouth cancer looks like, and would not send you home with a mouthwash.

If it's been over a year, and you had mouth cancer, I am sure that you would be seriously ill, if not dead by now.

Please please get the suicide thought out your head. Suicide is not the answer, fighting the anxiety and seeking professional help is the way forward.

08-05-13, 12:28
I am sure that the Doc know what he is talking about but in HA mode we dont listen and even when we do we over ride what we are hearing, for mouth cancer the best person to see is the dentist ugh LOL but in the meantime I hope you can take what doc has said on board, also strange tastes are so common ie salt blood metal etc and a lot are caused by not taking in enough fluids, do yo smoke?

mrs way to worried
08-05-13, 17:14
no i don't i haven't for 4 years i saw a dentist few months back ,got appointment with specialist in two weeks in so scared ,went to docs again today she checked me over again said she couldn't see anything and she wished she could say it wasn't cancer but she cant !!! What sort of answer is that

08-05-13, 17:56

mouth cancer is another of my fears, my dentist spent a good 10 minutes telling me I don't have any signs of mouth cancer.

like people have said Suicide is not the answer, if you are worried like others have said go back to the doctors or go to your dentist. I was worried about a mark on my gum (foolish google something) it was my root canal I had done a few years ago.

I have been afraid of every type of cancer I can get, and had lots of test done and everything is fine.

mrs way to worried
08-05-13, 18:37
im at specialist soon im so scared of the appointment ive just got it in my head what hes gonna say and i cant handel it

08-05-13, 18:58
You really need to take a deep breath, and relax.
If the specialist finds something wrong they will be able to help you get on the road to recovery.
Don't take your life, especially when you have such young children. You know how badly that will hurt them in every way?
Don't be afraid, you are finally on your way to recovery, think positive thoughts and keep yourself busy in the mean time. Don't over think bad thoughts, we always think the worse. Just be happy, spend time with your kids, and don't think of suicide because that's not an option.

mrs way to worried
08-05-13, 19:14
but normally by the time mouth cancer is found its to late that's what is worrying me its having no control over my own death my husband has broke up from me cause hes sick of me thinking this way

11-05-13, 22:39
just to let you know, when ever the anxiety flares I get swollen tongue cheeks and tonsils and I get a horrid metalic taste in my mouth I can taste any other food or drink just metal.
under the patients charter you have a right to see a doctor that day! so demand an appointment. good luck and never ever give up. xxxx