View Full Version : Shaky and weak, tired and afraid

01-05-13, 08:44
Don't know what to do, I wake up shaky and spend the whole day like it, this has gone on for the last four weeks, I have lost weight which is making me so scared and I feel so tired. Trying to convince its anxiety but my head is telling me something else. I have had enough! I have two beautiful little girls and I need to sort this.

01-05-13, 08:53
Hi Saintdee,

Why not go to the doctors simply for reassurance? It certainly helps me. Your weight loss is insignificant so I wouldn't worry about it. You also previously mentioned your appetite is pretty much zero so therefore weight loss will be expected.
Shaky and weak are common feelings when it comes to anxiety. I am currently lying on the settee feeling a little weird like I may faint if I push myself but I think it's all part of this nasty conditujb

01-05-13, 08:56
I have doctors this morning, been three times last four weeks but this is the first time I noticed the weight loss. My head feels like a fog or there's a heavy weight in it, just want to go to sleep.

01-05-13, 09:05
Dont worry things will get better. Last week was the worst week of my entire life, I thought I was going yo have a heart attack. My age did not comfort me at all especially as there are people dying whilst training for marathons etc but low and behold I am still here. I went to docs on Monday and felt reassured. Obviously it has been 2 full days so my mind is taunting me again but the doctors wouldn't miss something.