View Full Version : Sickness bug?

25-09-06, 11:24
It was my daughters 1st birthday party on Saturday. I am on antibiotics so I only had a couple of glasses of wine, but I didn't eat much all day, only had toast at breakfast but still took my 3 antibiotics that day. At 9.30pm I was very sick then I was sick 5 more times up until 2am Sunday. Luckily I haven't been sick since but I feel very weak and abit my stomach feels abit tender.

I had abit of a temp that night, was only 38 but enough to panic me at the time, lol! I feel so tired and worn out ever since. At first I thought it was because I drank on an empty stomach and taking antibiotics but I couldn't stop being sick that night and as I had a temp I guess it was a bug.

Its unusual for me to have a bug though and if i do get one im usually the last. I have 3 young children, they are usually ill before I am. My elddest son who is 4, he felt sick friday and he had that smell on his breath that kids get when they are sick but he wasn't sick. My other son was sick 7 days before that but wasn't really ill. My husband says his stomach feels bubbly since yesterday but he hasn't been sick.

Do you think this sounds like a bug? just very unusual for me to be ill before all of them and for them to not be sick.

25-09-06, 11:47
I think you definately have a bug!!
sick bugs make you feel so ill and worn out-all that wretching!
normally one gets the bug then the other...then so on- or you could all end up getting it together....as you have all been off it,it is unlikely to be anything else...take it easy and you will start to feel better in a couple of days....flat coke is good for upset tummys- and plain natural yoghurt!
take care i hope you all feel better soonxx

25-09-06, 11:49
Thanks for that.

I am on my own all week, mum on holiday all week and hubby is working away later in week. I am struggling today and ive now got to take my son to school and pick up the other from nursery. I really do not feel up to driving.

I just got my knickers in a twist thinking was it my sinuses getting infected and would i end up with meningitis, daft I know but got myself worried.

25-09-06, 16:33
there is a sickness virus going round one of my friends had it said he felt rough and was only just making it to the bathroom before he was sick


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

25-09-06, 16:37
Sounds like a bug jem,sorry you feel so rough at the mo.its good to have this forum when your mum and hubby are away,to get some support.;)

Ellen XX

25-09-06, 17:31
What antibiotics are they out of interest?


25-09-06, 19:06
I am on amoxicillin 250mg 3x a day.

Thanks guys, feel loads better tonight now ive eaten. Early to bed for me.

25-09-06, 19:19
Jem - thanks. Was just checking they are ok with alcohol and they seem to be.


25-09-06, 19:30
Thanks Nicola,

Yeh ive taken them before and had a drink and not been sick, at first I thought it could of been because I had a drink on an empty stomach but I was violently sick all night, I still feel exhausted.

My husband has felt weak & sick for a day or so now, is strange that none of them have been sick, im hardly ever sick so if it is a bug im puzzled as to why I am the only one who has thrown up, lol!