View Full Version : Hello fellow anxiety sufferers

01-05-13, 12:20
Hello, I'm an 18 year old girl who has suffered with anxiety for nearly 6 years. It all started one day when I was walking home from a drama lesson and I suddenly felt really faint,so I ran home.since then nearly every day of my life I've felt "not right" ... I find it hard to explain but the feeling of not right/dizziness has got more and more intense as the years have gone on. Then last year just after I had finished my A-levels I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe and now every day since I've had the feeling of lack of breath/need to yawn and sigh. I have been able to cope with it for about 5 and a half years without it interfering to much with my life.. However since feb this year it has got considerably worse and I have had to quit my job and I can now barely leave the house. I manage to go to the doctors near my house and he prescribed me fluoxetine,however I was not able to attend my counselling appointments as my anxiety had nearly house bound me..therefore I have no professional to talk to which I feel would help as they could teach me techniques to cope etc.
my family and my boyfriend have been extremely supportive,however my mum isn't working as I have become uncomfortable with being left alone and most days I get extremely upset and distressed as I constantly feel like I'm dying, the doctor has told me I'm not and that I need to find distractions but I can find anything to occupy myself! As my friends are either busy or just not bothered... I'm finding things really hard and would just like to know if anyone else experiences this feeling 24/7 and are so terrified of dying as I feel as though I'm alone in this..and just want my life back. Furthermore if anyone knows of any psychiatrists that do home visits or phone/phone sessions, I would really appreciate it ... I just want my life back and want to be a normal happy 18 year old who isn't scared of everything I feel.. Thanks

01-05-13, 13:38
Hi Hanbr

I can totally sympathise.

Check out the links in my signature as they've really helped me.

01-05-13, 16:01
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

01-05-13, 17:49
Hello, a warm welcome to the site :). As Mark says you are not alone and I'm sure you'll find lots of support and comfort here.

Wishing you the very best
Hannah :hugs: