View Full Version : Lump on roof of mouth...

Anxiety Jim
01-05-13, 13:56

For the last couple of days I've had a hard painless lump on the roof of my mouth, quite far back and a bit to the left. I thought it was an ulcer or something, and after looking at the nhs website for mouth cancer (I know I shouldn't have) it says if you have an ulcer that lasts more than 3 weeks see you GP, so that's what I was planning to do, see if it's still there in 3 weeks.

But today when I sneezed red/brown phlegm/snot came out, now I've started to think this the lump is a secondary cancer and there's a more advanced one somewhere maybe lungs or throat.

Has anyone had a lump on the roof of there mouth before? It's not a usual place for an ulcer so I'm scared. :-(


01-05-13, 14:57
I have had a lump and it was a wart that I had removed.

I also have had the blood in nose for 2 months and am now on a steroid nasal spray that has cleared it up but I have to continue using it for a full month

01-05-13, 15:00

I have never had a ulcer in the roof of my mouth before. I know you are scared.

Could you not see a dentist if you are worried before visiting the doctor.

Anxiety Jim
01-05-13, 15:07
It doesn't feel very warty to me, it's smooth and hard.

I can't afford to see a dentist at the moment, so I'm going to have to hope my GP can have a look.


01-05-13, 15:54
I've had a few of these, but I think its from when you knock it when you are eating? I was once eating chips and knocked the roof of it with a sharp one and obviously things like this happen all the time, but the next morning I had a rather large lump which was there for about a week! x

Anxiety Jim
01-05-13, 16:05
I've had a few of these, but I think its from when you knock it when you are eating? I was once eating chips and knocked the roof of it with a sharp one and obviously things like this happen all the time, but the next morning I had a rather large lump which was there for about a week! x


I did hit it whilst eating the other day, crisps I think, I thought that's how I found it, maybe that's how I CAUSED it. I've got an appointment with my GP in a week, I hope I can try to remain relatively panic free until then.

I seem to be jumping rather quickly from one worry to another at the moment. I can go weeks or months with no panic at all, then switch straight back to panic for a few months. And it just keeps going in that cycle every year :-(

01-05-13, 16:06
Mine was a small smooth hard lump Jim

01-05-13, 18:37
It was more than likely from your crisps :) I really panicked about mine to until my friend told me! I had mine for at least a week I'm sure it's nothing :)

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 01:45
I really really hope that's what caused it, but I 'remember' thinking the crisp hit the lump that's how I find it. but maybe my anxiety is making me misremember.

I'm now starting to link it to this constant headache I've had for over a month, thinking it's a brain tumour that has spread.

I know if I actually had all these things I've imagine over the past few years I'd be well and truly dead by now, but even knowing that doesn't seem to stop the cycle :-(

02-05-13, 09:40
I know how you are feeling all too well :) When I knocked my mouth the lump literally came up right away the second I hit it. However our minds are very clever, so by over thinking it (like we do) you are convincing yourself that you only found it that way and it wasn't the cause. Try not to touch it (easier said than done) and see what its like this time next week :) x

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 10:23
I've been trying to tell my self that all morning, but it's not been working, the lump is bigger today :-(

I've also had this pain top of calf just below my knee for a few days that I think is a DVT.

I ended up panicking and phoning the GP, just to hear they can't see me today. Knowing I can't see a doctor today has made things worse :-(

02-05-13, 11:05
I know it's really hard. Do your doctors have an open surgery? where you can sit and wait? If you have been playing with the lump it will be bigger that is inevitable.x

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 11:11
You can usually ring up on the day for a same day appointment with a GP, but I left it too late today, all the same day appointments had been taken.

I'm not playing with the lump that much though really, it's not painful at all! Which is making me worried. Cancer is quite often described as a painless lump :-(

02-05-13, 11:35
Your right it is, but cancer of the mouth is not very common at all really, if you are that worried why dont you call that new 111 number? I think you get to speak to a GP then don't you? but I think you would need to see someone. When I am in this situation I just try to think nothing is going to happen today, so just enjoy today and wait until tomorrow to get an appointment, do you have any bonjela? x

02-05-13, 12:41
I had something similar before. It went away within 2-3 weeks. I was panicking over it too. Mine was painless too which was why I was worrying.

Just see a GP and s/he will probably say it's nothing to worry about.


Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 14:17
It's a little bit reassuring that someone else has had a painless one. But as with a lot of anxiety suffers I imagine I always think "this is more serious, people are going to believe me, but this is really serious"

And then when a doctor says it's fine I think I was right they don't think it's serious.

And end up going in circles.

I wish there was an easy cure for anxiety, it would save the NHS a lot of money in GP visits I would imagine.

13-05-18, 03:55
im curious if you figured out what it was? i currently have a lump too that sounds similar to yours and im really nervous

13-05-18, 19:27
I've had loads of these over the years, they eventually go down, they feel abit like a boil on the roof of your mouth but with no pain, don't worry the do go eventually xxx