View Full Version : Hiya All

01-05-13, 14:41
Hiya all, I had my first panic attack 5 years ago after I panicked about choking whilst eating. I managed to make myself eat well again after a couple of weeks and then the panic and anxiety gradually left also. However, 7 weeks ago I began to feel anxious about eating again and had another panic attack. This time I went to the doctor straight away and began taking Citalopram. After a couple of weeks I was eating normally again and was less panicky. 7 weeks on I am feeling less anxious but I think I'm scared of feeling that horrible intense panic and high anxiety again. I have also been very low a lot of the time since the panic attack (although I do feel high sometimes). The suicidal thoughts are awful and frightening and I just want to feel normal again. I think the suicidal thoughts/depression may be a side-effect of the Citalopram? Although I did feel, for a brief period, suicidal the last time I had a panic attack 5 years ago. That's my story, thankyou.

01-05-13, 16:02
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

01-05-13, 17:47
Hello, a big welcome to the site! Its a great little community and I'm sure you'll find that it provides you with lots of comfort and support. :)

Wishing you all the best