View Full Version : Neurological symptoms

01-05-13, 18:20

I am new to this site, so forgive me if I bleat on! My symptoms all started 2 months ago. I should also state that prior to this time, I had quite a lot of stress. I lived in Devon with my two young children, my husband is forces, and if not at sea was based in Scotland. I also lived 200 miles from any family. I had a job covering Devon and Cornwall, which saw me covering 2000 miles some months. We decided to join my husband in Scotland, a move I was doing on my own as my husband was away with his sub. It all started with a dry cough which I ignored. I then had 3 or 4 episodes of momentarily feeling lightheaded (not vertigo). I then was experiencing what I can only describe as a 'blocked' head, which went into my nose. On one particular day, I had a migraine, I then experienced light tingling on my face. This panicked me, and I was told to go to a and e. They said it was possible Bell's palsy, due to earlier infection, although I had full movement of my face. The next day the tingling dropped to my arm and leg, it wasn't constant and also 'jumped' over to my other arm and leg. I was then told probably sinusitis and treated with antibiotics.

Fast forward a week, and things seemed ok. On the drive to Scotland, I received a phone call which again had panicked me and then what I call the symmetrical tingling started. Coincidence or not I don't know. Since this time, my symptoms have included:

Panic attacks (never had these)
Feeling of detachment.
Muscle twitches.
Muscle spasm.
Eye twitches.
Body zaps.
Muscle aches.
Jaw problems, which then affect my neck and shoulder.
Feeling of being burned with a prod.
Tingling in extremities, usually a symmetrical pattern.

I must admit, I have done myself no favours over the last weeks, and have spent my life on google diagnosing myself. I have been living in fear, and flip from having brain tumour, ms, als, cancer, neuromuscular disorder. I have seen an optician, who could detect nothing. My dentist today said my jaw problem is definitely muscular, I'm not sure if I feel positive about that or not. I have also seen a neurologist, who says there is no 'red flag' for her, and that my physical exam is fine. She did however offer me an MRI, but after explaining the pros and cons, we decided to meet in August and go from there. All the doctors are putting it down to stress/anxiety. I'm feel like I'm losing the plot. I just want to feel 'normal' again. Admittedly, a lot of the symptoms have now calmed down. I still get the odd twitch, particularly in the eyes. My heels and toes tingle in the morning, but these disappear as soon as I walk. My jaw problem now seems to be the worst thing, of which I can't stop worrying, as it causes my ears to feel full and to ring occasionally. All bloods so far have come back ok, Vitamin D is low as is iron. Calcium and parathyroid now being checked.

Can anyone relate to these problems? I find it so difficult with family, it's as if because they can't 'see' these symptoms they can't deal with them. Some make me feel very small as if its all in my head.

Any advice will be gratefully received.


01-05-13, 18:43
oh my god reading this post is pretty much how im feeling so im glad ive seen it (not glad you are suffering obv :( ) the tingling has got so bad and feel so down about it and convinced myself its ms. i too am married and have 3 children and am finding it hard to put on a brave face :( ive suffered for years but these are totally new symptoms. if its any help i find it goes (not completely) when im distracted... i cant offer you much advice but if it helps, i am going through the exact same thing x

01-05-13, 19:36
I too find keeping busy is best. Trying to find the energy isn't! Sorry you experiencing the same things, at least not alone. Have you been to see doctors about your symptoms? X

01-05-13, 20:34
Panic attacks (never had these)
Feeling of detachment.
Muscle twitches.
Muscle spasm.
Eye twitches.
Body zaps.
Muscle aches.
Jaw problems, which then affect my neck and shoulder.
Feeling of being burned with a prod.
Tingling in extremities, usually a symmetrical pattern

You have said everything that I have suffered from and that includes the tingling in the face mine is on the left side and my doctor has done a few tests in the surgery all the normal little muscle tests to check for stroke and I was give the all clear.

And also I get jaw pain again only on the left side and I have had dental x-rays done and then a mri with contrast done and nothing to be found so I was being treated for nerve pain.

Everything you have said is what I'm told is something called Anxiety well what a easy answer for everything anxiety. But sometimes we have to just believe that is what it is.

So far everything that has happened to you or you have suffered from have not come to anything bad and I would say it will not as I have had the symptoms for over 2 years now and still nothing bad has happened.

And I understand about the family not understanding sometimes my side of the face would feel so numb and tingly I would keep asking my wife if I looked ok until she was sick of it.
We see life out of our eyes and our feelings are sometimes hard to explain to others.

You are not alone on all this.

02-05-13, 10:59
i went to the docs last week and waiting for an appointment, i don't know if its the same over there, but the wait to see a specialist is 3 months here :( got the doctors again tonight for this sensation, but over here its £37 for an appointment so going to the docs every week for reassurance isnt possible unfortunately lol... i have a long history of anxiety so i worry they will put it down to that, and miss important signs..... oh the joy of anxiety lol... do you find it hard with the children,? trying to be happy around them?

02-05-13, 22:30
i have the exact same symptoms thought it was just me im 16 n it started with a panic attack one night ever since then ive felt shocking ive got all your symptoms plus a fast heart beat, ive also been diagnose with anxiety ive had so many tests like:
ct scan-brain scan
full blood count
chest x-ray
thyroid test
tumour marker test
been in hospital with heart monitors on over night
been to the hospital almost everyday for the past 3 month

after all these tests ita still hard to believe its anxiety :/

03-05-13, 08:46
Thank you for the replies. I really hope it is all down to anxiety. I don't know if I'll ever feel 'normal' again. It's so difficult to pick yourself up, and yes Dreena, I find it really difficult to put on a happy mode for my children. At the moment my life is spent obsessing over every little thing that happens to my body, even concentrating on my nails and size of my pupils. Does it ever end?? X

23-08-13, 16:10
I have a lot of those symptoms. I have neck / jaw / temporalis / shoulder pain. It is myofascial trigger points in me. Look up Paul Ingraham and read that.

I also have water and burning sensations all over and can't find the cause of that, I don't think it is caused by trigger points. The only trigger point nerve thing I have is mild numbness that comes and goes on the face.

I think the burning and water sensations are metabolic or diet related I hope. I had it once before and it went away. I have done extreme low carb diets so I'm hoping it was that and if I don't do it again it will go away this time and not come back.

I've had dizziness, zaps in the ear, jaw pain all those kinds of things. You should PM me.