View Full Version : RECEIVED HELP

25-09-06, 12:15
Thanks for all the encouraging replies about my earlier post titled I have had enough. I got some help from a psychiatric nurse who has given me tablets for my anxiety and depression as I was completely beaten by this and the most desperate and broken I have ever been. The swaying I was having that was causing the spiral of anxitey is apparently quite common in people with anxiety and depression. My body completley melted down with the constant stress and anxiety over the years. Hopefully I have the right medication and can begin to have a semi normal life. Take care and thanks

25-09-06, 20:40
hi lou sorry i did,nt see your earlier post but i,m really pleased that you are now feeling more positive!!!!i hope you get on well with the meds and they give you a new lease of life!!!!things will get better it just takes time.i hope you don,t mind me asking but when you say about your swaying did you feel like when you stood or sat still did you feel like you whrere swaying slightly!!!as i get this feeling too and have been slightly worried about it although i have been docs many times she has always put it down to anxiety.
take care rachel x

polly daydream
25-09-06, 22:19
Hi Lou, glad you have received help, onwards and upwards!!!!!

Take care,


26-09-06, 14:55
Hi ceecee I hope I am replying properly as I am new to forums

But the swaying was when I was sitting down or standing making a cup of tea and sometimes when walking about. It felt like i was on a ship, it made me so anxious . The pschiatric nurse I saw told me that he has heard this symptom alot with aniexty depressed patients.