View Full Version : glad Im not the only one even tho it feels that way

Mrs Anxious
01-05-13, 22:18
Hi all,

Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself,well where to start... I have had health anxiety ever since I was pregnant with my daughter 16 years ago, just before I got pregnant a friend of a friend died after having her baby all her organs shut down, I became absoloutely paranoid I was going to die in childbirth from then I have really worried over everything and its getting me down and ruining my life.

I have fibromyalgia which entails lots of aches and pains and different symptoms so on a daily basis I am worrying constantly I sometimes wonder if the fibro has been brought on by my anxiety?

I would just like to tell anyone whose reading this what happened yesterday as I cant bring myself to physically speak to anyone espesh a doctor for fear of them carting me off to the loony bin :D

Yesterday, I had a rheumatology appt for my fibro and my bp was 98/56 this is not usual for me but i notice when i last had bp it was fairly low aswell... however came home looked on our good old friend google " causes of low blood pressure" and diabetes heart disease came up etc... I literally had head to toe pins and needles and a wave of heat came over me and I knew a panic attack was in background lurking.

I didnt have a panic attack but when I went to bed I felt very anxoius and literally every time I closed my eyes ( I wasnt asleep) I saw horrible images... one was of a head in a bucket????? one was a demonic face?? I am soooooo scared I know this isnt normal, am I psychotic or something? I have heard voices in my head ocasionnaly aswell when Im dropping off to sleep it rarely happens but when it does I am always in an anxious state... has anyne else had any weird symptoms like this?

I am so so sorry for waffling but now I've started I feel I want to tell you everything and get it off my chest, I guess what I am really looking for is reassurance Im not going mad lol

big hugs to all xx

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:36 ----------

48 views and no replies :( guess I am mad then? X

01-05-13, 22:40
Hi I developed health anxiety since I was pregnant aswell. Then to top things off I really was ill in pregnancy, anyway yes ive had voices before I fell asleep, and strange and scary pics im my head too before not for a while now but I know how you feel I thought I was psychotic aswell not sure what it was but it did go away in end. Sorry if that not much help but your not alone xx

Mrs Anxious
02-05-13, 08:55
Thank you so much for your reply, I started to regret admitting it on here, while I am sorry you are going through this I have to admit I am glad I am not alone, thanks again take care xx