View Full Version : Oldie but Goodie??

01-05-13, 19:55
Hello all
I am now 60 (eek!) but have had anxiety/panic issues since I was quite small (I realise now).

I think what my problem is, mainly, a phobia about fainting. Until recently, (and I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder) I thought I had a combination of anxieties (including claustrophobia & agoraphobia, would you believe?)
Now, if I analyze it, I am basically scared of fainting - in queues, restaurants, unknown situations, etc, etc.
Sadly, when 'panic attacks' occur (and I don't necessarily FEEL in a panic at the time), the breathing techniques and so on, don't help, & the 'it will pass' doesn't either. When I get this bad, I DO faint!! So - I tend to avoid any situations where I am likely to get in this state, often to the detriment of hubby and me (he doesn't understand it at all, which doesn't help!)
Stepson is getting married (in Spain) at the end of Sept & I am already bricking it in case I pass out in the Registry Office, at the restaurant after, etc etc!
So sad, but what can one do??
This looks a good website/forum for, at least getting things off your chest, knowing we are not alone!

Best of luck to all of us!


01-05-13, 20:11
Hi :welcome:
I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. I don't have health anxiety myself (general anxiety and depression) but I can imagine this is a horrible fear to deal with.
I'm sure you will find this site helpful - Everyone I've come across has been so supportive.
Wishing you the best,
J x

01-05-13, 20:39
Thank you, Jelly,
I hope they are all as nice as you on here!!

01-05-13, 20:51
We are twins!!! I am exactly the same, I can't believe I have found someone who feels the same as me. I too have had this since I was very young (am 56 now!!!). I keep being told I am agoraphobic, which I am sometimes when things are really bad. Just recently I have had depression and anxiety, I have never been depressed before but I think it was brought on by the struggle with my anxiety/phobia about fainting. Are you on any medication? I have been prescribed citalopram 30mg which is really helping.
Fainting is the pits and I don't know about you but as I get older I feel worse after each faint!
When my daughter got married I was in such a state that I got my doctor to give me diazapam to get through it!!! I am so glad I did coz it helped me get through and enjoy her day.
You are not alone!
Karen x

01-05-13, 21:23
Hi 'Frog' (ironic, cos I now live in France!!)
Isn't it nice to know someone else feels the same?
I haven't fainted for a couple of years now, but have come (very) close in supermarket, restaurant, recently.
I am now on 75mg Venlafaxine a day. The general panicky day to day feeling is better and I have very good days when I dont feel any anxiety going to the shop, etc, BUT other days, I just know I can't go shopping (etc)
I have started ordering my shopping online, so I just have to go to the back office & pick up my order - MUCH better (unless there's more than me in the queue!!!) - and I can often just go & browse the shop, knowing I can leave at any time cos I don't NEED anything.
Horrid to have to think like this before planning anything, isn't it?

Love & strength to you xx

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

P.S. When I first got married in 1977, both me & my Dad shared a bottle of Valium to get throught the service!! I organised with the vicar to spend most of the service sitting down, but I was still terrified for the vows bit, cos we had to stand - thankfully, I was OK (and dad died 4 years ago aged 95, but still anxious!!)

01-05-13, 22:06
Glad to have you with us granny.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

Hope the venlafaxine helps you.

01-05-13, 23:02
Hi Granny...for you:welcome: :bighug1:

02-05-13, 00:24
Hi Granny and :welcome:

I am 59 and have suffered from anxiety/panic for many years and it seems to have got worse over the past year.
Going again for cbt. On diazapam sparingly, only thing that works for me.
Hope you get some tips from this site. I have and wish everyone well.

02-05-13, 10:01
Welcome Granny

I'm new here too. I'm 59 (stretching out the year before the big 60!!) I 've had social anxiety since I was quite small, I dont have a fear of fainting but I can appreciate how you feel. Wish you Luck

02-05-13, 13:07
Hello, and welcome. I also have trouble with fainting, I faint everywhere, it's so embarrassing. I also haveno awareness of panicking beforehand, just afterwards I always feel so embarrassed.

Something that can help prevent fainting is to make sure you have eaten and are well hydrated. Eating plenty of salt also helps me.

02-05-13, 14:53
I too do my shopping on line now and have it delivered to my home, such a big weight off my shoulders. Am exactly the same with queues if there a few people before me ..... I just can't stand and wait without feeling anxious worrying about fainting. My social life is practically non existent as I can't go to the cinema, theatre etc. As for restaurants it all depends on where it is, what it is like and who i go with. I HATE all the worrying and planning, I just wish i could be spontaneous and enjoy everything like everyone else, it is such a struggle at times...... I feel I am always making excuses and letting people down :weep:

02-05-13, 19:21
You are right - we COULD be twins!!
I hate letting folk down too, & as for somewhere I've never been before (especially restaurants!) I am a wreck: strangely, I always ask if the chairs are comfy, as I feel worse if they are rickety old wooden ones!! Give me a settee type one & I should be OK!! Feel so daft & it doesnt help that hubby doesnt understand. The number of times I have cried off is unbelievable! Last one we went to (in October!!) was beautiful ; fairly comfy seta as well, but I had got so worked up about it before we got there, I spent the whole meal in a fuzzy haze; even the wine didnt really help!!

02-05-13, 20:20
Hi Twinny!! lol

I have to make sure that I can get out when I go anywhere like a restaurant, I don't like to be hemmed in, I have to be able to escape! Also need to know where the loos are, and I hate it if it is really crowded!

I am on the waiting list for CBT counselling but have only been referred and there is a 12 week waiting list here in Hampshire.

03-05-13, 15:30
I've just got used to the local restaurant as it's quiet & the seats are comfy!! BUT they only offer the same 3 things every week & I'm fed up of them!!
So 'kind' hubby says he'll take me for a pizza at a place nearby - BUT I've never been before & I'm so on edge! It's only a bloody pizza after all, but I'd rather get a takeaway than risk it - try explaining that to hubby tho!!!
SO-O frustrating! Roll on good weather so we can eat outside! :wacko: