View Full Version : Thumb numb/ please reply very worried

01-05-13, 20:36
I am worried about my thumb numbness. I started having numbness and tingling in my left hand about 2 weeks ago. It started right after I had been doing yardwork, so I thought it would go away. It just comes and goes and I have had it in my thumb and index finger and also in my pinkie. Currently my thumb is slightly numb on the backside of the palm today. I went to the Dr. and he told me it was probably Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as I was waking up at night with my hands asleep. I have worn the wrist splints for the past 2 nights and it has helped with my hands falling asleep at night, but I am still experiencing symptoms during the day off and on. A few times I have noticed my pinkie finger and ring have been tingling, but I understand that is affected by a different nerve. So I'm a little concerned, could I have carpal tunnel and done something to irritate the other nerve. Has anyone had this and should I be worried? Please reply.

Mrs Anxious
02-05-13, 09:00
This sounds very like a pinched nerve probably in your back and it radiates and can cause numbness in fingers, the fingers u are describing sounds very much like this, I have had it before and it does worry you but by continuing with the wrist splints I'm sure it will go you may have pulled a nerve in your back whilst gardening and the numbness in your fingers is referred pain, if it doesn't go, visit an osteopath that's what I did and he did wonders :)