View Full Version : Tender Adam's Apple

01-05-13, 21:19
Greetings everyone! Hows your hypochondria today? Mine has skyrocketed. I was doing so well the last few months.

This time, it is a tender area on the right hand side of my adams apple, between the actual voice box lump and the ring like bone above it. That side doesn't feel any different than the other, there are no seemingly abnormal lumps or anything, and there is no swelling. It almost feels like bruised cartilage or a soar to the touch muscle. It feels like it is on the outside of the Adam's Apple and it reminds me mostly or getting poked in a pressure point, like on the back of the neck, mixed with a slight nerve feeling, like when you tap your Ulnar Nerve.

A little possibly useful info:

I felt this tenderness before, about a year ago. I didn't think much of it at the time because I probably thought I strained it during sleep or coughed too much or something. Now that I feel it again, I'm wondering if it has always been and I just haven't noticed.

I am a smoker - I'm working on fixing that. I smoke about 12 cigarettes a day and have been doing so for the last 4 years. I am 23. I had my last physical also about a year ago, but well after I first felt this tenderness. All my results came back excellent. Aside from the smoking, I am in perfect health. According to the doctor, given my cholesterol levels and blood pressure, I have a quarter of the average risk of heart disease and almost everything circulation related. Body fat - very low. No sign of any cancer they could test for given their methods.

I even asked them about my lymph nodes and they complimented me on being able to point out almost all of them. They examined the ones I thought were abnormal but none of them were. They said the reasons I can feel almost all of them is because of my low body fat, and that some may be shoddy from past infections, naturally large, or irritated from me constantly prodding them. Probably all of those reasons.

I have a bunch of ideas as to what this is. Being a smoker, the first thought is a form of throat cancer. Next in line is thyroid malfunction, followed by a pulled muscle or damaged cartilage.

Could it be possible that this is just a very sensitive area and that one area just happens to get irritated easily on that side? If I've had throat cancer for a year, surely there would be more signs than just this, all things considered, nuisance of tenderness? If all of my lymph nodes were indeed cancerous, and the doctor made a mistake somehow, surely I would be dead, or very ill now after 7 years since I first noticed them?

---------- Post added at 15:19 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

Now that I have prodding around, the left side under the Adam's Apple hurts the same way, and the right side hurts even more. The tenderness is exacerbated by stretching my head back. Also, and this will sound weird, I have a habit of rubbing my face when alone, picking out 5 o'clock shadow hairs that are longer than others. Perhaps I am straining my neck when doing this, considering I do it practically subconsciously, often, and I stretch my head back and to the side?

23-08-13, 16:19
This can be caused by contorting the tongue and stretching muscles a funny way or maybe happen during an upper respitory infection due to coughin or other muscle movements. I had some soreness around that area a few months ago. I'm not sure but I think it was from contorting my tongue a weird way and calling upon muscles which aren't normally used that much. It went way. If you just have a muscle thing it will go away too. For me it almost felt like it was around the thyroid, but it went away.

03-05-18, 18:50
Greetings 5 years later! Did you ever get this figured out? Having similar symptoms, and very curious to know what you learned.

Hope all is well!