View Full Version : Feeling good in myself BUT..

01-05-13, 22:11
Hey guys haven't been on for a while, I'm doing good as far as HA is concerned :P somewhat..
But this whole week I've been quite stressed, had 3 exams on 3 consecutive days so it's drained me physically.
But today as I was sat in the exam, my head felt really weird, well not my whole head but just front right area as if there's heat coming from there, or like a heat pressure patch. It was really weird and was really affecting me to concentrate.
I do suffer from daily head pressure which comes and goes, but as I write this now, it feels like a leaking feeling it's quite odd. Ans the right side of my head where my temple is, feels a lot more bonier than my left.. dno if I'm being OCD or something best way to describe it is my left side feels a lot fuller

12-05-13, 17:15
I too have the same asymmetry in my skull. But so does everyone else. Yes, I've come to realize that OCD is the biggest player in my Health Anxiety, which is something that has helped tremendously in accepting the crazy thoughts as just OCD.