View Full Version : Community Mental Health Support

01-05-13, 22:46
I went to see my doctor yesterday about my continuing obsession with bowel cancer. She thinks its now progressing from 'straightforward' anxiety to an actual obsession and is pushing to get my next set of CBT appointments forward. She says that if CBT doesn't work this time then she feels she would have to turn to the community mental health support team for more specialist help.

I don't know why but this has freaked me out. I've lived with HA for so long that it feels normal to me. I'm constantly unhappy so I don't want to live like this but it almost doesn't feel like a problem anymore, it's just the way I am. To hear that someone thinks that I need specialist mental health support...it feels frightening, like I'm closer to the edge than I realise?

Does anyone have any experience of this?

02-05-13, 00:49
Dont be freaked out. Take every bit of help that is offered and you may improve.
I would. Cbt is a form of mental health treatment too. Sometimes I feel Im going mad, but I know Im not. Its just anxiety and panic/fear.
Good luck x