View Full Version : Finally admitted to myself i have health anxiety

01-05-13, 23:15
Im a 27 year old male.

When i was 16 my father told me to lay of the chocolate i was eating at the time, and laughed you'll end up having a heart attack.

10 minutes later i had my first every panic attack, i realize now that on that day 11 years ago, my life would never be the same again.

i started with flushes in public and general anxiety. After about 3 years i had managed to get it under some control with the use of anti depressants.

4 years later after the breakup of my first relationship and over the next few years the court battles for my children id finally had enough and was seriously considering taking my own life. Had it not been for a strong family support and counselling that's probably how it would have gone.

Fast forward until now, i am happily married with two beautiful boys. I felt very happy and although still found it difficult with anxiety in general it was tolerable, that is until just before christmas last year. I dont know what happened but suddenly out of the blue i was on my way to a&e with chest pains and unable to breathe.

It was another panic attack, since then i have had extreme health anxiety, i tried to ignore it but thats what i have. I cant get a pain or twinge without it spelling death.

It doesnt help my best friend died 2 years back at 25 from cancer.

Im hoping to get some reassurance and speak to people with similar experiences to myself.

Thanks for listening


Mrs Anxious
03-05-13, 09:13
Hi Mike,

Sorry to hear you have been struggling I can sympathise with what you are going through, I feel exactly the same it's draining and debilitating. I have been to a&e several times with panic attacks it really is horrible... To give u an example I had a rheumatology appt earlier this week and my blood pressure was 98/56 this is not normal for me and even tho the doctor said its nothing to worry about I still came home and consulted dr google... :) the result of this was a massive panic attack again as I got myself into a state. Like u Every symptom is something massive or a really bad illness. Are u on any meds for ur anxiety? I am on citalopram and also gabapentin for fibromyalgia but in all honesty I think the drugs are making me more cuckoo so I have booked in for CBT in the hope of coming off the tablets have you ever tried this it might help? Always here for a chat if u want to inbox me I know how hard it is for family as well my husband is a great support but it must be draining for them.
Take care, chin up x