View Full Version : Irrational thoughts :(

01-05-13, 23:41
I can't deal with all of this anymore. I will worry about anything and everything, if nothing is going wrong I will make something up in my head to worry about.

I'm almost constantly worried about my boyfriend. I'm scared he will end up in a freak accident :( I hate him driving alone, especially at night. When he drives me home (we don't live together), I will want him to text me as soon as he gets home and if he doesn't I will worry like hell. I will also worry if I haven't heard from in for a while. He's AWFUL at answering his phone, I know this all too well. He will leave it in his car or in his room but I will still worry if he doesn't answer. I also worry he will just leave me. He's the first person I've ever truly loved :( he says he loves me but I question it far too much.

I'm also scared of my house catching fire. If I can smell an ounce of smoke I will automatically think my house is on fire. It's normally something like my neighbour's having a barbeque.

I also worry about my health. I'm 22 years old and have no serious medical problems but I keep thinking I may end up with cancer or some other deadly illness :( I had a mouth ulcer a few weeks ago and I thought it was something else -_____-

My sister's also pregnant and I'm scared she will lose the baby :( I know it's unlikely because she's 6 months pregnant and everything is fine. I can't bring myself to be excited because I'm scared something will go wrong :(

I've had C.B.T. before and I didn't find it useful. I found my therapist really patronising -____- I'm also on Sertraline which doesn't seem to be doing anything.

I know these thoughts are irrational and unhealthy but I can't stop myself.

Sorry for the long post but I just need some advice :( any advice :( How can I stop myself from having these constant thoughts?

02-05-13, 21:47
Advice is to find another therapist. Also try some relaxation techniques or meditation, it helped me a lot. You mind is taking control of you, and you emotional reaction are the product of you mind. Try to meditate and separate yourself from your mind. It should help.

SMD Counselling
02-05-13, 21:53
Hi if you write your thoughts down what you are thinking and feeling in a journal you can then look for the evidence to support your thoughts !!!